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Montserrat Volcano looms over the area of Richmond Hill which was destroyed in the eruptions beginning in 1995. Photo by guide Jesse Fagan.
10 islands, 14 days, 14 flights, 8 hotels, 1 visit to the emergency room, drive on the right, drive on the left, get the picture. It requires a lot of action and movement to see these birds! And see them we did. It was another successful island-hopping adventure this year, and the logistics worked out fine on this logistically complicated tour. Even island time seemed faster. Mark recovered in fine fashion. And we also got all the potential endemics.
It is hard to pick just one favorite. Dennis liked the Whistling Warbler (indeed, tops for a couple of folks), Bill enjoyed our Grenada Dove looks (possibly the best ever!), St. Vincent Parrot got a nod, Sharon thought the Brown Trembler was the coolest, Mark and Linda picked the Purple-throated Carib and Montserrat Oriole, respectively. However, Daphne's favorite stole the show for most -- our Rufous-throated Solitaire encounter on Dominica. The song alone would do it.
And which island was your favorite? All agreed with Montserrat. Our trip out to Richmond Hill to see the devastation caused by the volcano was memorable. And lunch at JJ's wasn't bad either. But I think the hospitality and warmth shared by Scriber and Blacker is what touched us the most. Our group also enjoyed Dominica, which is wilder than most islands. So, maybe that's it -- we want islands that feel and look like islands. I like that, mahn.
Thanks again to all our local guides and operators on the islands. And thank you for traveling with us. All the best in 2016 and beyond!
--Jesse Fagan (aka motmot) from Lima, Peru
One of the following keys may be shown in brackets for individual species as appropriate: * = heard only, I = introduced, E = endemic, N = nesting, a = austral migrant, b = boreal migrant
Anatidae (Ducks, Geese, and Waterfowl)
BLUE-WINGED TEAL (Anas discors)
Podicipedidae (Grebes)
PIED-BILLED GREBE (Podilymbus podiceps)
Phaethontidae (Tropicbirds)
RED-BILLED TROPICBIRD (Phaethon aethereus)

The name of the game on this tour of the islands is "Planes, Boats, and Automobiles." Photo by guide Jesse Fagan.
Fregatidae (Frigatebirds)
Sulidae (Boobies and Gannets)
BROWN BOOBY (Sula leucogaster)
Pelecanidae (Pelicans)
BROWN PELICAN (Pelecanus occidentalis)
Ardeidae (Herons, Egrets, and Bitterns)
GREAT BLUE HERON (Ardea herodias)
GREAT EGRET (Ardea alba)
LITTLE BLUE HERON (Egretta caerulea)
CATTLE EGRET (Bubulcus ibis)
GREEN HERON (Butorides virescens)
YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON (Nyctanassa violacea)
Pandionidae (Osprey)
OSPREY (Pandion haliaetus)
Accipitridae (Hawks, Eagles, and Kites)
HOOK-BILLED KITE (GRENADA) (Chondrohierax uncinatus mirus)

The Grenada Dove is Critically Endangered. We were happy to see one so well. Photo by guide Jesse Fagan.
COMMON BLACK HAWK (Buteogallus anthracinus)
BROAD-WINGED HAWK (CARIBBEAN) (Buteo platypterus insulicola)
BROAD-WINGED HAWK (CARIBBEAN) (Buteo platypterus rivierei)
BROAD-WINGED HAWK (CARIBBEAN) (Buteo platypterus antillarum)
RED-TAILED HAWK (Buteo jamaicensis)
Rallidae (Rails, Gallinules, and Coots)
COMMON GALLINULE (AMERICAN) (Gallinula galeata cerceris)
Recurvirostridae (Stilts and Avocets)
BLACK-NECKED STILT (Himantopus mexicanus)
Charadriidae (Plovers and Lapwings)
WILSON'S PLOVER (Charadrius wilsonia)
SEMIPALMATED PLOVER (Charadrius semipalmatus)
Scolopacidae (Sandpipers and Allies)
SPOTTED SANDPIPER (Actitis macularius)
GREATER YELLOWLEGS (Tringa melanoleuca)

The Grenada Kite (a female) soars over our van. We miss it some years as it's rare and local, so it was a real treat to see a pair in 2016. Photo by guide Jesse Fagan.
WILLET (EASTERN) (Tringa semipalmata semipalmata)
RUDDY TURNSTONE (Arenaria interpres)
LEAST SANDPIPER (Calidris minutilla)
Laridae (Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers)
LAUGHING GULL (Leucophaeus atricilla)
ROYAL TERN (Thalasseus maximus)
SANDWICH TERN (Thalasseus sandvicensis)
Columbidae (Pigeons and Doves)
ROCK PIGEON (Columba livia) [I]
SCALY-NAPED PIGEON (Patagioenas squamosa)

The Dominica House Wren is chocolate brown overall. Not only do "House" Wrens on the islands look so different one island to the next, experiments with playback show that they do not respond to calls or songs from other island populations. That's more reason to elevate these populations to species status. Photo by guide Jesse Fagan.
WHITE-CROWNED PIGEON (Patagioenas leucocephala)
EURASIAN COLLARED-DOVE (Streptopelia decaocto) [I]
COMMON GROUND-DOVE (Columbina passerina)
RUDDY QUAIL-DOVE (MARTINIQUE) (Geotrygon montana martinica)
BRIDLED QUAIL-DOVE (Geotrygon mystacea)
GRENADA DOVE (Leptotila wellsi) [E]
WHITE-WINGED DOVE (Zenaida asiatica)
ZENAIDA DOVE (Zenaida aurita)
EARED DOVE (Zenaida auriculata stenura)
Cuculidae (Cuckoos)
MANGROVE CUCKOO (Coccyzus minor)

St. Lucia Warbler, photographed by participant Daphne Gemmill.
SMOOTH-BILLED ANI (Crotophaga ani)
Tytonidae (Barn-Owls)
BARN OWL (LESSER ANTILLES) (Tyto alba insularis)
Caprimulgidae (Nightjars and Allies)
RUFOUS NIGHTJAR (ST. LUCIA) (Antrostomus rufus otiosus) [*]
Apodidae (Swifts)
BLACK SWIFT (Cypseloides niger)
LESSER ANTILLEAN SWIFT (Chaetura martinica)
Trochilidae (Hummingbirds)
PURPLE-THROATED CARIB (Eulampis jugularis)

Barn Owl on Grenada, photographed by participant Daphne Gemmill.
GREEN-THROATED CARIB (Eulampis holosericeus)
BLUE-HEADED HUMMINGBIRD (Cyanophaia bicolor)
ANTILLEAN CRESTED HUMMINGBIRD (ST. VINCENT) (Orthorhyncus cristatus ornatus)
ANTILLEAN CRESTED HUMMINGBIRD (BARBADOS) (Orthorhyncus cristatus cristatus)
Alcedinidae (Kingfishers)
RINGED KINGFISHER (Megaceryle torquata)
Picidae (Woodpeckers)
GUADELOUPE WOODPECKER (Melanerpes herminieri) [E]

We had fabulous looks at Forest Thrush on Guadeloupe. Photo by participant Daphne Gemmill.
Falconidae (Falcons and Caracaras)
AMERICAN KESTREL (EASTERN CARIBBEAN) (Falco sparverius caribaearum)
Psittacidae (New World and African Parrots)
RED-NECKED PARROT (Amazona arausiaca) [E]
ST. LUCIA PARROT (Amazona versicolor) [E]
IMPERIAL PARROT (Amazona imperialis) [E]
ST. VINCENT PARROT (Amazona guildingii) [E]
Tyrannidae (Tyrant Flycatchers)
CARIBBEAN ELAENIA (Elaenia martinica)
YELLOW-BELLIED ELAENIA (Elaenia flavogaster)
LESSER ANTILLEAN PEWEE (Contopus latirostris)

The Grenada House Wren is pale below with a long bill. Photo by guide Jesse Fagan.
GRENADA FLYCATCHER (Myiarchus nugator)
GRAY KINGBIRD (Tyrannus dominicensis)
Vireonidae (Vireos, Shrike-Babblers, and Erpornis)
BLACK-WHISKERED VIREO (Vireo altiloquus)
Hirundinidae (Swallows)
CARIBBEAN MARTIN (Progne dominicensis)
BARN SWALLOW (Hirundo rustica)
Troglodytidae (Wrens)
HOUSE WREN (DOMINICA) (Troglodytes aedon rufescens)
HOUSE WREN (ST. LUCIA) (Troglodytes aedon mesoleucus)

Rufous-throated Solitaire singing its heart out on the island of Dominica. Photo by guide Jesse Fagan.
HOUSE WREN (ST. VINCENT) (Troglodytes aedon musicus)
HOUSE WREN (GRENADA) (Troglodytes aedon grenadensis)
Turdidae (Thrushes and Allies)
RUFOUS-THROATED SOLITAIRE (Myadestes genibarbis)
COCOA THRUSH (LESSER ANTILLEAN) (Turdus fumigatus personus)
SPECTACLED THRUSH (Turdus nudigenis)
FOREST THRUSH (Turdus lherminieri)
Mimidae (Mockingbirds and Thrashers)
WHITE-BREASTED THRASHER (Ramphocinclus brachyurus)

Brown Trembler on Guadeloupe, photographed by participant Daphne Gemmill.
PEARLY-EYED THRASHER (Margarops fuscatus)
BROWN TREMBLER (Cinclocerthia ruficauda)
GRAY TREMBLER (Cinclocerthia gutturalis)
Parulidae (New World Warblers)
WHISTLING WARBLER (Catharopeza bishopi) [E]
PLUMBEOUS WARBLER (Setophaga plumbea)
YELLOW WARBLER (GOLDEN) (Setophaga petechia bartholemica)
YELLOW WARBLER (GOLDEN) (Setophaga petechia melanoptera)

Not the flashiest of the lot, but the Barbados Bullfinch is unique in that it shows no sexual dimorphism, unlike all the other bullfinches on the islands. Photo by guide Jesse Fagan.
YELLOW WARBLER (GOLDEN) (Setophaga petechia ruficapilla)
BARBUDA WARBLER (Setophaga subita) [E]
ST. LUCIA WARBLER (Setophaga delicata) [E]
Thraupidae (Tanagers and Allies)
BANANAQUIT (CARIBBEAN) (Coereba flaveola bartholemica)
BANANAQUIT (CARIBBEAN) (Coereba flaveola martinicana)
BANANAQUIT (CARIBBEAN) (Coereba flaveola barbadensis)
BANANAQUIT (CARIBBEAN) (Coereba flaveola atrata)
BANANAQUIT (CARIBBEAN) (Coereba flaveola aterrima)

The Montserrat Oriole is threatened by habitat loss due to an active volcano! Photo by guide Jesse Fagan.
LESSER ANTILLEAN BULLFINCH (Loxigilla noctis coryi)
LESSER ANTILLEAN BULLFINCH (Loxigilla noctis ridgwayi)
LESSER ANTILLEAN BULLFINCH (Loxigilla noctis dominicana)
LESSER ANTILLEAN BULLFINCH (Loxigilla noctis noctis)
LESSER ANTILLEAN BULLFINCH (Loxigilla noctis sclateri)
LESSER ANTILLEAN BULLFINCH (Loxigilla noctis crissalis)
LESSER ANTILLEAN BULLFINCH (Loxigilla noctis grenadensis)
BARBADOS BULLFINCH (Loxigilla barbadensis) [E]
ST. LUCIA BLACK FINCH (Melanospiza richardsoni) [E]

Two Foot Bay on Barbuda, where we watched breaching Humpback Whales. Photo by guide Jesse Fagan.
Icteridae (Troupials and Allies)
CARIB GRACKLE (Quiscalus lugubris guadeloupensis)
CARIB GRACKLE (Quiscalus lugubris inflexirostris)
CARIB GRACKLE (Quiscalus lugubris contrusus)
CARIB GRACKLE (Quiscalus lugubris luminosus)
CARIB GRACKLE (Quiscalus lugubris fortirostris)
SHINY COWBIRD (Molothrus bonariensis)
ST. LUCIA ORIOLE (Icterus laudabilis) [E]

Whale and seabird watching, Two Foot Bay NP on Barbuda. Photo by participant Daphne Gemmill.
MONTSERRAT ORIOLE (Icterus oberi) [E]
MARTINIQUE ORIOLE (Icterus bonana) [E]
Fringillidae (Finches, Euphonias, and Allies)
ANTILLEAN EUPHONIA (Euphonia musica)
Passeridae (Old World Sparrows)
HOUSE SPARROW (Passer domesticus) [I]
Estrildidae (Waxbills and Allies)
SCALY-BREASTED MUNIA (Lonchura punctulata) [I]
BRAZILIAN FREE-TAILED BAT (Tadarida brasiliensis)
ANTILLEAN AGOUTI (Dasyprocta antillensis)
HUMPBACK WHALE (Megaptera novaeangliae)
SMALL ASIAN MONGOOSE (Herpestes javanicus) [I]
Totals for the tour: 124 bird taxa and 4 mammal taxa