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Our visit to a lek of the weird and wonderful Andean Cock-of-the-Rock was one of the highlights of the tour. Photo by guide Dan Lane.
“Manu” is one of those places that sounds so exotic, adventurous, and mysterious! Perhaps that’s what draws us there: the opportunity to see the mystery for ourselves? The national park itself is largely impenetrable, with access blocked by steep Andean slopes, dense forests, and small groups of Indians leading isolationist and traditional lifestyles. The Andean foothills of Cusco department are largely, thankfully, inaccessible to us with one exception: the Kosñipata Road that leads from Paucartambo, on the dry side of the first tall ridge, all the way to village of Pillcopata (and a bit farther), at the head of the navigable part of the Rio Alto Madre de Dios. This road, approximately 50 km of it, cuts across the pass at Acjanaco, enters treeline, and descends through unbroken forest (quite a contrast to the dry, open puna that one sees back towards Cusco!) all the way to the Guadua bamboo and flatlands of the valley leading to Pillcopata. This includes a change in elevation of about 2700 m (close to 9,000 feet)! To be able to see so much relatively undisturbed habitat, and particularly to know that it is merely the face of a much greater expanse we can’t see from the road, is awe-inspiring! In addition, this region is hyper-diverse in so many groups of organisms: flowering plants, butterflies, and of course birds. It is estimated that over 1000 species of birds occur in the area. Although there have been few expeditions actually into the park, the Kosñipata road has provided a corridor to allow us to sample the avifauna immediately adjacent to the park. But the few expeditions to adjacent regions on either side of the park suggest that there are more species still that haven’t yet been encountered on the road!
What is the reason for all this diversity? Well, the short answer is the elevational gradient combined with high microhabitat diversity. Thanks to the Andes, the Amazonian slope and nearby lowlands have enjoyed a fairly stable climate for hundreds of thousands of years, if not millions. This allowed for plants to diversify to a very great extent, and also allowed for specialization and species packing of vertebrates. The microhabitats such as Chusquea and Guadua bamboo thickets, tall forest versus short ridgetop forest, landslide clearings and second growth, rock faces, and such have all allowed for a few species of bird (not to mention other organisms!) to specialize on each. The long period of relative stability, despite otherwise drastic global climate change thanks to glacial cycles, meant that these specialists were insulated from the greatest cause of extinction: change. As a result, the tropical Andes and adjacent lowlands from Colombia to Peru are the most diverse terrestrial biomes for birds and many other organisms! And we were here to see them!
We weren’t disappointed either! Our visit started as we departed the valley that is home to the city of Cusco. As we started up the walls of the canyon of the Rio Urubamba (which flows past Machu Picchu and eventually north to the Rio Ucayali), we stopped to see a few of the specialists of the dry scrub of the valley. Among these were a shy Bearded Mountaineer and Rusty-fronted Canastero, as well as a rare snake, Tachymenis peruvianus, that Larry spotted for us! Then, we had a long drive ahead of us, cutting across the relatively bland puna landscape dotted with small hamlets and carpeted with eucalyptus groves, but with few birds to grab our attention, until the larger town of Paucartambo. From this last intermontane valley, we then proceeded to ascend the final ridge up to the pass at Acjanaco, the corner of Manu National Park, and had lunch. The fog banks here announced the humid slope, and from here on down, we rarely saw the sun until the day we returned! We birded the tunnels below the pass, catching glimpses of our first mixed species flocks and even the tail end of some Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucans. Then it was down to our comfortable lodging at Paradise Lodge in an area generally referred to as San Pedro. We birded here the following day, despite a drizzling rain, and actually did quite well, seeing several active flocks. Our third day saw us returning to higher elevations around Pillahuata and Rocotal, searching for species we had driven past two days earlier. Then, it was time to head downslope yet further, birding the upper tropical zone from San Pedro down to Tanager Corner and the Quita Calzon bridge and beyond. We started to see towns again, including Chontachaca, Patria, and finally Pillcopata. A left turn from the square of the last took us to our second lodgings at Villa Carmen. That afternoon, we drove to the mirador on the Atalaya ridge to see what might be flying by, and we checked the bamboo on the way for interesting birds. Then, we had a day at Villa Carmen to explore their extensive trail system, and went out owling one evening. Finally, we drove back upslope, with birding stops in the open country around Patria along the way, ending the day at the biological station at Wayqecha, near 10,000 feet elevation. Our final day involved a morning birding above Wayquecha, a short jaunt down the Tres Cruces road into the park a few miles, and then back over the pass to a site for lunch and our final endemic: Creamy-crested Spinetail. Then, it was back to Cusco, and a morning to enjoy this historic city!
Among the highlights of the tour were such sights as the Andean Cock-of-the-Rock lek, the bright colors of a flock of White-collared Jays, the active mixed flocks around San Pedro and Pillahuata, an extroverted Yellow-billed Cacique, fine views of Blue-banded Toucanets, Mountain Caciques and mountain-tanagers, the quiet elegance of a male Masked Trogon, the extravagance of a Lyre-tailed Nightjar male as he swooped about above us, the large gawkiness of a male Amazonian Umbrellabird long the road, the crowd of oropendolas, jays, and chachalacas around the feeders at Villa Carmen, the responsive and friendly Black-banded Owl overhead, the badly-managed hairdos of the Hoatzins around the pond there, the bee-like Rufous-crested Coquettes buzzing around the verbena flowers, the bold Scaly-breasted Wren that perched for all to see for an impressively long time before heading back into the forest, the annoying skulkiness of that Rufous Antpitta, the activity at dawn around Wayqecha, with multiple hummingbirds coming in to check us out, including a lovely male Rufous-crowned Thornbill, and the boldness of the Sedge Wrens in their foggy grass tussocks. It was overall a lovely trip, and I’m so glad to have been able to share it with you all! I hope we’ll have another opportunity soon. Until then, keep them binoculars close at hand and good birding!
Dan Lane
One of the following keys may be shown in brackets for individual species as appropriate: * = heard only, I = introduced, E = endemic, N = nesting, a = austral migrant, b = boreal migrant

We enjoyed some fine views of Blue-banded Toucanets. Note the band on this one's leg! Photo by guide Dan Lane.
Tinamidae (Tinamous)
HOODED TINAMOU (Nothocercus nigrocapillus) [*]
GRAY TINAMOU (Tinamus tao) [*]
CINEREOUS TINAMOU (Crypturellus cinereus) [*]
LITTLE TINAMOU (Crypturellus soui) [*]
BROWN TINAMOU (Crypturellus obsoletus)
UNDULATED TINAMOU (Crypturellus undulatus) [*]
BLACK-CAPPED TINAMOU (Crypturellus atrocapillus) [*]
Anatidae (Ducks, Geese, and Waterfowl)
YELLOW-BILLED TEAL (OXYPTERA) (Anas flavirostris oxyptera)
Cracidae (Guans, Chachalacas, and Curassows)
ANDEAN GUAN (Penelope montagnii)
Odontophoridae (New World Quail)
RUFOUS-BREASTED WOOD-QUAIL (Odontophorus speciosus) [*]
Phalacrocoracidae (Cormorants and Shags)
NEOTROPIC CORMORANT (Phalacrocorax brasilianus)

Crested Oropendolas, including this one, were feeding in an Erythrina tree along with some Dusky-green Oropendolas. Photo by guide Dan Lane.
Ardeidae (Herons, Egrets, and Bitterns)
RUFESCENT TIGER-HERON (Tigrisoma lineatum)
FASCIATED TIGER-HERON (Tigrisoma fasciatum)
SNOWY EGRET (Egretta thula)
Threskiornithidae (Ibises and Spoonbills)
BLACK-FACED IBIS (BRANICKII) (Theristicus melanopis branickii)
Cathartidae (New World Vultures)
BLACK VULTURE (Coragyps atratus)
TURKEY VULTURE (Cathartes aura)
Accipitridae (Hawks, Eagles, and Kites)
PLUMBEOUS KITE (Ictinia plumbea)
ROADSIDE HAWK (Rupornis magnirostris)
VARIABLE HAWK (Geranoaetus polyosoma)
Eurypygidae (Sunbittern)
SUNBITTERN (Eurypyga helias)
Rallidae (Rails, Gallinules, and Coots)
GRAY-BREASTED CRAKE (Laterallus exilis) [*]
GRAY-COWLED WOOD-RAIL (Aramides cajaneus)
PURPLE GALLINULE (Porphyrio martinica)
Aramidae (Limpkin)
LIMPKIN (Aramus guarauna)
Laridae (Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers)
ANDEAN GULL (Chroicocephalus serranus)
Columbidae (Pigeons and Doves)
ROCK PIGEON (Columba livia) [I]
PALE-VENTED PIGEON (Patagioenas cayennensis)
SPOT-WINGED PIGEON (Patagioenas maculosa)

"What the...? I'VE GOT WHITE EYEBROWS!!" screamed this Slaty-backed Chat-Tyrant. At least I think so... my chat-tyrant translator app is not very good. Photo by guide Dan Lane.
BAND-TAILED PIGEON (Patagioenas fasciata)
RUDDY PIGEON (Patagioenas subvinacea)
RUDDY GROUND-DOVE (Columbina talpacoti)
RUDDY QUAIL-DOVE (Geotrygon montana)
GRAY-FRONTED DOVE (Leptotila rufaxilla)
EARED DOVE (Zenaida auriculata)
Opisthocomidae (Hoatzin)
HOATZIN (Opisthocomus hoazin)
Cuculidae (Cuckoos)
SMOOTH-BILLED ANI (Crotophaga ani)
SQUIRREL CUCKOO (Piaya cayana)
Strigidae (Owls)
TROPICAL SCREECH-OWL (Megascops choliba)
BLACK-BANDED OWL (Ciccaba huhula)
STRIPED OWL (Asio clamator) [*]
Caprimulgidae (Nightjars and Allies)
Nyctibiidae (Potoos)
COMMON POTOO (Nyctibius griseus) [*]
Apodidae (Swifts)
CHESTNUT-COLLARED SWIFT (Streptoprocne rutila)
WHITE-COLLARED SWIFT (Streptoprocne zonaris)
SHORT-TAILED SWIFT (Chaetura brachyura)
FORK-TAILED PALM-SWIFT (Tachornis squamata)
Trochilidae (Hummingbirds)
GREEN HERMIT (Phaethornis guy)
LESSER VIOLETEAR (Colibri cyanotus)
SPARKLING VIOLETEAR (Colibri coruscans)
AMETHYST-THROATED SUNANGEL (Heliangelus amethysticollis)
WIRE-CRESTED THORNTAIL (Discosura popelairii)

The view from the Atalaya Mirador is fantastic! Photo by guide Dan Lane.
RUFOUS-CRESTED COQUETTE (Lophornis delattrei)
PERUVIAN PIEDTAIL (Phlogophilus harterti) [E]
LONG-TAILED SYLPH (Aglaiocercus kingii)
RUFOUS-CAPPED THORNBILL (Chalcostigma ruficeps)
BEARDED MOUNTAINEER (Oreonympha nobilis)
TYRIAN METALTAIL (SMARAGDINICOLLIS) (Metallura tyrianthina smaragdinicollis)
BUFF-THIGHED PUFFLEG (Haplophaedia assimilis)
SHINING SUNBEAM (Aglaeactis cupripennis)
CHESTNUT-BREASTED CORONET (Boissonneaua matthewsii)
BOOTED RACKET-TAIL (ANNA'S) (Ocreatus underwoodii annae)
VIOLET-FRONTED BRILLIANT (Heliodoxa leadbeateri)
GIANT HUMMINGBIRD (Patagona gigas)
WHITE-BELLIED WOODSTAR (Chaetocercus mulsant)

This Scaly-breasted Wren allowed us a great view below the Quita Calzon bridge. Normally, these wrens are very shy, but this one sat nicely for quite a while! Photo by guide Dan Lane.
BLUE-TAILED EMERALD (Chlorostilbon mellisugus)
FORK-TAILED WOODNYMPH (Thalurania furcata)
MANY-SPOTTED HUMMINGBIRD (Taphrospilus hypostictus)
GOLDEN-TAILED SAPPHIRE (Chrysuronia oenone)
Trogonidae (Trogons)
GOLDEN-HEADED QUETZAL (Pharomachrus auriceps)
BLACK-TAILED TROGON (Trogon melanurus)
BLUE-CROWNED TROGON (Trogon curucui)
MASKED TROGON (Trogon personatus)
Bucconidae (Puffbirds)
RUFOUS-CAPPED NUNLET (Nonnula ruficapilla)
BLACK-FRONTED NUNBIRD (Monasa nigrifrons)
SWALLOW-WINGED PUFFBIRD (Chelidoptera tenebrosa)
Galbulidae (Jacamars)
BLUISH-FRONTED JACAMAR (Galbula cyanescens)
Capitonidae (New World Barbets)
LEMON-THROATED BARBET (Eubucco richardsoni)
VERSICOLORED BARBET (Eubucco versicolor)
Ramphastidae (Toucans)
BLUE-BANDED TOUCANET (Aulacorhynchus coeruleicinctis)
CHESTNUT-EARED ARACARI (Pteroglossus castanotis)
Picidae (Woodpeckers)
FINE-BARRED PICULET (Picumnus subtilis)
LITTLE WOODPECKER (Veniliornis passerinus)
ANDEAN FLICKER (Colaptes rupicola)

This Dull-capped Attila thought we looked interesting! Photo by guide Dan Lane.
LINEATED WOODPECKER (Dryocopus lineatus) [*]
CRIMSON-CRESTED WOODPECKER (Campephilus melanoleucos)
Falconidae (Falcons and Caracaras)
BLACK CARACARA (Daptrius ater)
MOUNTAIN CARACARA (Phalcoboenus megalopterus)
LAUGHING FALCON (Herpetotheres cachinnans)
AMERICAN KESTREL (Falco sparverius)
BAT FALCON (Falco rufigularis)
Psittacidae (New World and African Parrots)
ANDEAN PARAKEET (Bolborhynchus orbygnesius)
BLUE-HEADED PARROT (Pionus menstruus)
DUSKY-HEADED PARAKEET (Aratinga weddellii)
BLUE-HEADED MACAW (Primolius couloni)
WHITE-EYED PARAKEET (Psittacara leucophthalmus)
Thamnophilidae (Typical Antbirds)
YELLOW-RUMPED ANTWREN (Euchrepomis sharpei)
BAMBOO ANTSHRIKE (Cymbilaimus sanctaemariae)
CHESTNUT-BACKED ANTSHRIKE (Thamnophilus palliatus)
PLAIN-WINGED ANTSHRIKE (Thamnophilus schistaceus) [*]
BLUISH-SLATE ANTSHRIKE (Thamnomanes schistogynus)
ORNATE ANTWREN (WESTERN) (Epinecrophylla ornata meridionalis)
PYGMY ANTWREN (Myrmotherula brachyura)
STRIPE-CHESTED ANTWREN (Myrmotherula longicauda)
SLATY ANTWREN (Myrmotherula schisticolor interior)

We found the Hooded Mountain-Tanager near Pillahuata. Photo by guide Dan Lane.
YELLOW-BREASTED ANTWREN (Herpsilochmus axillaris)
DOT-WINGED ANTWREN (Microrhopias quixensis albicauda) [*]
STRIATED ANTBIRD (Drymophila devillei) [*]
STREAK-HEADED ANTBIRD (Drymophila striaticeps)
YELLOW-BREASTED WARBLING-ANTBIRD (Hypocnemis subflava collinsi)
BLACK ANTBIRD (Cercomacroides serva) [*]
MANU ANTBIRD (Cercomacra manu)
WHITE-BACKED FIRE-EYE (Pyriglena leuconota)
WHITE-BROWED ANTBIRD (Myrmoborus leucophrys)
WHITE-LINED ANTBIRD (Percnostola lophotes)
CHESTNUT-TAILED ANTBIRD (Sciaphylax hemimelaena) [*]

This Rufous-capped Nunlet is practicing to be a bittern. Photo by guide Dan Lane.
GOELDI'S ANTBIRD (Akletos goeldii)
Grallariidae (Antpittas)
RED-AND-WHITE ANTPITTA (Grallaria erythroleuca) [E]
RUFOUS ANTPITTA (SOUTH PERUVIAN) (Grallaria rufula occabambae)
AMAZONIAN ANTPITTA (Hylopezus berlepschi) [*]
Rhinocryptidae (Tapaculos)
WHITE-CROWNED TAPACULO (Scytalopus atratus) [*]
Formicariidae (Antthrushes)
BLACK-FACED ANTTHRUSH (Formicarius analis)
RUFOUS-BREASTED ANTTHRUSH (Formicarius rufipectus) [*]
BARRED ANTTHRUSH (Chamaeza mollissima) [*]
Furnariidae (Ovenbirds and Woodcreepers)
PLAIN-BROWN WOODCREEPER (Dendrocincla fuliginosa) [*]
BLACK-BANDED WOODCREEPER (Dendrocolaptes picumnus)
STRONG-BILLED WOODCREEPER (Xiphocolaptes promeropirhynchus)
OLIVE-BACKED WOODCREEPER (Xiphorhynchus triangularis)
RED-BILLED SCYTHEBILL (Campylorhamphus trochilirostris)
MONTANE WOODCREEPER (Lepidocolaptes lacrymiger)
STREAKED XENOPS (Xenops rutilans)
PALE-LEGGED HORNERO (Furnarius leucopus)
MONTANE FOLIAGE-GLEANER (Anabacerthia striaticollis)
BLACK-BILLED TREEHUNTER (Thripadectes melanorhynchus)
SPOTTED BARBTAIL (Premnoplex brunnescens)

We had some good looks at Barred Fruiteaters as well. Photo by guide Dan Lane.
PEARLED TREERUNNER (Margarornis squamiger)
PUNA THISTLETAIL (Asthenes helleri)
RUSTY-FRONTED CANASTERO (Asthenes ottonis) [E]
MARCAPATA SPINETAIL (Cranioleuca marcapatae) [E]
CREAMY-CRESTED SPINETAIL (Cranioleuca albicapilla) [E]
ASH-BROWED SPINETAIL (Cranioleuca curtata)
PLAIN-CROWNED SPINETAIL (Synallaxis gujanensis)
CABANIS'S SPINETAIL (Synallaxis cabanisi)
AZARA'S SPINETAIL (Synallaxis azarae)
Tyrannidae (Tyrant Flycatchers)
WHITE-BANDED TYRANNULET (Mecocerculus stictopterus)
WHITE-THROATED TYRANNULET (Mecocerculus leucophrys)
TUFTED TIT-TYRANT (Anairetes parulus)
YELLOW TYRANNULET (Capsiempis flaveola)
WHITE-CRESTED ELAENIA (Elaenia albiceps)
SIERRAN ELAENIA (Elaenia pallatangae)
STREAK-NECKED FLYCATCHER (Mionectes striaticollis)
SLATY-CAPPED FLYCATCHER (ALBIDIVENTRIS) (Leptopogon superciliaris albidiventer)
INCA FLYCATCHER (Leptopogon taczanowskii) [E*]
MARBLE-FACED BRISTLE-TYRANT (Phylloscartes ophthalmicus)
CINNAMON-FACED TYRANNULET (Phylloscartes parkeri)
BOLIVIAN TYRANNULET (Zimmerius bolivianus)
ORNATE FLYCATCHER (Myiotriccus ornatus)
RINGED ANTPIPIT (Corythopis torquatus) [*]

This Laughing Falcon is probably remembering that time he sucker-punched a Peregrine in a barfight. Photo by guide Dan Lane.
SCALE-CRESTED PYGMY-TYRANT (Lophotriccus pileatus)
FLAMMULATED PYGMY-TYRANT (Hemitriccus flammulatus) [*]
YELLOW-BROWED TODY-FLYCATCHER (Todirostrum chrysocrotaphum)
FULVOUS-BREASTED FLATBILL (Rhynchocyclus fulvipectus)
YELLOW-BREASTED FLYCATCHER (Tolmomyias flaviventris)
CINNAMON FLYCATCHER (Pyrrhomyias cinnamomeus)
BRAN-COLORED FLYCATCHER (Myiophobus fasciatus)
SMOKE-COLORED PEWEE (Contopus fumigatus)
BLACK PHOEBE (Sayornis nigricans)
RUFOUS-TAILED TYRANT (Knipolegus poecilurus)
WHITE-WINGED BLACK-TYRANT (Knipolegus aterrimus)
LITTLE GROUND-TYRANT (Muscisaxicola fluviatilis)
RUFOUS-BELLIED BUSH-TYRANT (Myiotheretes fuscorufus)
CROWNED CHAT-TYRANT (KALINOWSKI'S) (Ochthoeca frontalis spodionota)
SLATY-BACKED CHAT-TYRANT (MAROON-BELTED) (Ochthoeca cinnamomeiventris thoracica)
RUFOUS-BREASTED CHAT-TYRANT (Ochthoeca rufipectoralis)
BROWN-BACKED CHAT-TYRANT (Ochthoeca fumicolor)
LONG-TAILED TYRANT (Colonia colonus)
LARGE-HEADED FLATBILL (Ramphotrigon megacephalum) [*]
DUSKY-TAILED FLATBILL (Ramphotrigon fuscicauda) [*]
DULL-CAPPED ATTILA (Attila bolivianus)
DUSKY-CAPPED FLYCATCHER (Myiarchus tuberculifer)
GREAT KISKADEE (Pitangus sulphuratus)
BOAT-BILLED FLYCATCHER (Megarynchus pitangua)

White-collared Jays are electric blue, and their voice sounds strangely electronic, as well. Anyone checked for their battery compartment? Photo by guide Dan Lane.
SOCIAL FLYCATCHER (Myiozetetes similis)
GRAY-CAPPED FLYCATCHER (Myiozetetes granadensis)
GOLDEN-CROWNED FLYCATCHER (Myiodynastes chrysocephalus)
STREAKED FLYCATCHER (Myiodynastes maculatus)
PIRATIC FLYCATCHER (Legatus leucophaius)
TROPICAL KINGBIRD (Tyrannus melancholicus)
Cotingidae (Cotingas)
BARRED FRUITEATER (Pipreola arcuata)
RED-CRESTED COTINGA (Ampelion rubrocristatus)
ANDEAN COCK-OF-THE-ROCK (Rupicola peruvianus)
AMAZONIAN UMBRELLABIRD (Cephalopterus ornatus)
BARE-NECKED FRUITCROW (Gymnoderus foetidus)

This Puna Thistletail was anger personified... um, birdonified? Photo by guide Dan Lane.
Pipridae (Manakins)
YUNGAS MANAKIN (Chiroxiphia boliviana)
Vireonidae (Vireos, Shrike-Babblers, and Erpornis)
BROWN-CAPPED VIREO (Vireo leucophrys)
RED-EYED VIREO (Vireo olivaceus)
Corvidae (Crows, Jays, and Magpies)
WHITE-COLLARED JAY (Cyanolyca viridicyanus)
PURPLISH JAY (Cyanocorax cyanomelas)
VIOLACEOUS JAY (Cyanocorax violaceus)
Hirundinidae (Swallows)
BLUE-AND-WHITE SWALLOW (Pygochelidon cyanoleuca)
WHITE-BANDED SWALLOW (Atticora fasciata)
SOUTHERN ROUGH-WINGED SWALLOW (Stelgidopteryx ruficollis)
WHITE-WINGED SWALLOW (Tachycineta albiventer)
Troglodytidae (Wrens)
SCALY-BREASTED WREN (Microcerculus marginatus)
GRAY-MANTLED WREN (Odontorchilus branickii)
HOUSE WREN (Troglodytes aedon)
MOUNTAIN WREN (Troglodytes solstitialis)
SEDGE WREN (Cistothorus platensis)
MOUSTACHED WREN (Pheugopedius genibarbis)
FULVOUS WREN (Cinnycerthia fulva)
GRAY-BREASTED WOOD-WREN (Henicorhina leucophrys)
CHESTNUT-BREASTED WREN (Cyphorhinus thoracicus)

Another lovely little flycatcher that we saw well was the Ornate Flycatcher that we found at the Quita Calzon bridge. Photo by guide Dan Lane.
Turdidae (Thrushes and Allies)
ANDEAN SOLITAIRE (Myadestes ralloides)
HAUXWELL'S THRUSH (Turdus hauxwelli)
BLACK-BILLED THRUSH (Turdus ignobilis)
SLATY THRUSH (Turdus nigriceps) [*]
GREAT THRUSH (Turdus fuscater)
CHIGUANCO THRUSH (Turdus chiguanco)
GLOSSY-BLACK THRUSH (Turdus serranus)
Parulidae (New World Warblers)
TROPICAL PARULA (Setophaga pitiayumi) [*]
THREE-STRIPED WARBLER (Basileuterus tristriatus)
CITRINE WARBLER (PERUVIAN) (Myiothlypis luteoviridis striaticeps)
PALE-LEGGED WARBLER (Myiothlypis signata)
TWO-BANDED WARBLER (Myiothlypis bivittata)
GOLDEN-BELLIED WARBLER (GOLDEN-BELLIED) (Myiothlypis chrysogaster chrysogaster)
SLATE-THROATED REDSTART (Myioborus miniatus)
SPECTACLED REDSTART (Myioborus melanocephalus)
Thraupidae (Tanagers and Allies)
RED-CAPPED CARDINAL (Paroaria gularis)
MAGPIE TANAGER (Cissopis leverianus)
SLATY TANAGER (Creurgops dentatus)
BLACK-CAPPED HEMISPINGUS (WHITE-BROWED) (Kleinothraupis atropileus auricularis)
BLACK-EARED HEMISPINGUS (BLACK-EARED) (Sphenopsis melanotis berlepschi)
RUST-AND-YELLOW TANAGER (Thlypopsis ruficeps)
SUPERCILIARIED HEMISPINGUS (URUBAMBAE) (Thlypopsis superciliaris urubambae)

The Black-backed Grosbeak looks a lot like the Rose-breasted Grosbeak that we are familiar with in North America. Photo by guide Dan Lane.
SILVER-BEAKED TANAGER (Ramphocelus carbo)
HOODED MOUNTAIN-TANAGER (Buthraupis montana)
GRASS-GREEN TANAGER (Chlorornis riefferii)
SCARLET-BELLIED MOUNTAIN-TANAGER (FIRE-BELLIED) (Anisognathus igniventris igniventris)
YELLOW-THROATED TANAGER (Iridosornis analis)
GOLDEN-COLLARED TANAGER (Iridosornis jelskii)
FAWN-BREASTED TANAGER (Pipraeidea melanonota)
BLUE-AND-YELLOW TANAGER (Pipraeidea bonariensis)
ORANGE-EARED TANAGER (Chlorochrysa calliparaea)
BLUE-GRAY TANAGER (Thraupis episcopus)
PALM TANAGER (Thraupis palmarum)
BLUE-CAPPED TANAGER (Thraupis cyanocephala)
SPOTTED TANAGER (Ixothraupis punctata)
BLUE-NECKED TANAGER (Tangara cyanicollis)
BERYL-SPANGLED TANAGER (Tangara nigroviridis)
PARADISE TANAGER (Tangara chilensis)
SAFFRON-CROWNED TANAGER (Tangara xanthocephala lamprotis)
GOLDEN TANAGER (Tangara arthus)
SWALLOW TANAGER (Tersina viridis)
BLUE DACNIS (Dacnis cayana)
CHESTNUT-VENTED CONEBILL (Conirostrum speciosum)
CAPPED CONEBILL (Conirostrum albifrons sordidum)
CINEREOUS CONEBILL (Conirostrum cinereum)

This Black-banded Owl was a favorite; it posed nicely for us at Villa Carmen one evening. Photo by guide Dan Lane.
MOUSTACHED FLOWERPIERCER (ALBILINEA) (Diglossa mystacalis albilinea)
BLACK-THROATED FLOWERPIERCER (Diglossa brunneiventris)
PLUSHCAP (Catamblyrhynchus diadema)
BLUE-BLACK GRASSQUIT (Volatinia jacarina)
CHESTNUT-BELLIED SEEDEATER (Sporophila castaneiventris)
CHESTNUT-BELLIED SEED-FINCH (Sporophila angolensis)
BLACK-AND-WHITE SEEDEATER (Sporophila luctuosa)
DOUBLE-COLLARED SEEDEATER (Sporophila caerulescens)
BAND-TAILED SEEDEATER (Catamenia analis)
Passerellidae (New World Buntings and Sparrows)
YELLOW-THROATED CHLOROSPINGUS (Chlorospingus flavigularis)
SHORT-BILLED CHLOROSPINGUS (Chlorospingus parvirostris)
COMMON CHLOROSPINGUS (SOUTHERN PERU) (Chlorospingus flavopectus peruvianus)
YELLOW-BROWED SPARROW (Ammodramus aurifrons)
RUFOUS-COLLARED SPARROW (Zonotrichia capensis)
BLACK-FACED BRUSHFINCH (Atlapetes melanolaemus)
Cardinalidae (Cardinals and Allies)
BLACK-BACKED GROSBEAK (Pheucticus aureoventris)
Icteridae (Troupials and Allies)
YELLOW-BILLED CACIQUE (CHAPMAN'S) (Amblycercus holosericeus australis)
RUSSET-BACKED OROPENDOLA (Psarocolius angustifrons)
DUSKY-GREEN OROPENDOLA (Psarocolius atrovirens)
CRESTED OROPENDOLA (Psarocolius decumanus)

Here's our intrepid group of birders! Photo by guide Dan Lane.
SOLITARY BLACK CACIQUE (Cacicus solitarius)
MOUNTAIN CACIQUE (BOLIVIAN) (Cacicus chrysonotus chrysonotus)
Fringillidae (Finches, Euphonias, and Allies)
BLUE-NAPED CHLOROPHONIA (Chlorophonia cyanea)
BRONZE-GREEN EUPHONIA (Euphonia mesochrysa)
ORANGE-BELLIED EUPHONIA (Euphonia xanthogaster)
BROWN CAPUCHIN (Cebus apella)
COMMON WOOLLY MONKEY (Lagothrix lagotricha)
BOLIVIAN SQUIRREL (Sciurus ignitus)
TAYRA (Eira barbara)
GOLDEN TEGU (Tupinambis teguixin)
Tachymenis sp. : the snake that Larry spotted above the Urubamba in the dry scrub. Turns out, it is venomous (but rear-fanged)!
Totals for the tour: 300 bird taxa and 4 mammal taxa