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Our spectacular Spectacled Owl (photo by participant Max Rodel)
Ours was a holiday tour to a fine lodge that offers great birds and good food, and at this time of year, some special festivities, including an unexpected New Year's Eve cocktail party at owner Raul and Denise Arias's home. The Canopy Lodge continues to be an excellent offering for relaxed birding in a cool, pleasant clime. Our tour began in Panama City (night of arrival) and proceeded the next morning (via a quick stop at Metro Park) to the Canopy Lodge in El Valle, Cocle, our base for the next six nights. We birded a variety of habitats, returning some days to the lodge for lunch, time off, then a late afternoon of birding nearby. There are a variety of places to bird near the Lodge so that one can only visit a few of them during a week’s stay. We birded La Mesa and Las Minas Road, Cara Iguana Trail, Valle Chiquito, Altos del Maria, and the xeric Pacific lowlands of El Chiru/Juan Hombron/Playa Santa Clara.
The birds were great, if not unfailingly cooperative. We started off with a big hit—a Common Potoo on its day-roost in Metro Park; our tiny hit was a Southern Bentbill, not found in the area of the Lodge. Among the least commonly seen species we saw in the immediate vicinity of the Lodge were Tody Motmot (one of which sat for fifteen minutes not two meters away!), a pair of roosting Mottled Owls (at a stakeout), a roosting Tropical Screech-Owl (stakeout at a yard in El Valle), a family of four Spot-crowned Barbets, Snowy-bellied Hummingbird, and Buff-rumped Warbler. Of course the regular visitors to the banana feeders were captivating, and we had many fine views of some colorful and less-than-colorful feathered creatures, as well as squirrels and agoutis. In the Las Mesa area we had some good mixed flocks, in the Cara Iguana area we had a day-roosting Spectacled Owl and a lot of mosquitoes. We visited a new trail off the Las Minas Road where we had an extraordinary view (long and sweet) of White-tipped Sicklebill hanging on the heliconia bracts and a singing Streak-chested Antpitta.
Altos del Maria, the highland area under development, held Snowcaps (6-8 males scattered over the area, more than I’ve ever seen there), Rufous-browed Tyrannulet, Brown Violet-ear, Smoky-brown Woodpecker, Dull-mantled Antbird, two more day-roosting Spectacled Owls—a white juve and an accommodating adult—Orange-bellied Trogon, Northern Schiffornis, Black-and-yellow Tanagers, Eye-ringed Flatbill, and an absolutely electric Black-crowned Antpitta that finally sat for some of us not more than 15 feet away (and of which we got some cool video). The juve Spectacled mentioned above flew before everyone could get bins on it, so I tried some playback of the adult during mid-morning, having had some success in the past getting adults to appear during the day, when on territory. After no more than four or five playbacks of the song, an adult flew right in and settled for all to absorb and photograph! Terrific. Many listed this as one of their three trip favorites. In general, Tanagers, Parulids, Wrens, and Broad-winged Hawks (numbers strong) were good, although the numbers of wintering Parulids seemed down considerably.
The feeding stations at the Lodge were very popular, and many photos were taken of Rufous Motmots, Dusky-headed Tanagers, Thick-billed Euphonias, Collared Aracaris, Chachalacas, etc. In fact, most of you took some memorable photos during the tour, some of which I've been able to include in this triplist, some of which you'll have to watch for in "Fresh From the Field" or visit the Smugmug sites to enjoy. Our group was a perfect delight for me to guide, always the more so when such a group gels as readily as did ours. It was a pleasure to have Abbie along with us for the holiday and to benefit from the keen guiding of Eliecer Rodriguez and his assistant, Danilo Rodrigues, both of whom carried scopes and were quick to set them on birds!
One of the following keys may be shown in brackets for individual species as appropriate: * = heard only, I = introduced, E = endemic, N = nesting, a = austral migrant, b = boreal migrant
Cracidae (Guans, Chachalacas, and Curassows)
GRAY-HEADED CHACHALACA (Ortalis cinereiceps)
Fregatidae (Frigatebirds)
Gray-headed Chachalaca ready to pounce on the feeder (photo by participant Max Rodel)
MAGNIFICENT FRIGATEBIRD (Fregata magnificens) Phalacrocoracidae (Cormorants and Shags)
NEOTROPIC CORMORANT (Phalacrocorax brasilianus)
Pelecanidae (Pelicans)
BROWN PELICAN (Pelecanus occidentalis)
Ardeidae (Herons, Egrets, and Bitterns)
GREAT BLUE HERON (Ardea herodias)
GREAT EGRET (Ardea alba)
SNOWY EGRET (Egretta thula)
LITTLE BLUE HERON (Egretta caerulea)
CATTLE EGRET (Bubulcus ibis)
GREEN HERON (Butorides virescens)
Threskiornithidae (Ibises and Spoonbills)
GLOSSY IBIS (Plegadis falcinellus)
Cathartidae (New World Vultures)
BLACK VULTURE (Coragyps atratus)
TURKEY VULTURE (Cathartes aura)
LESSER YELLOW-HEADED VULTURE (Cathartes burrovianus)
Accipitridae (Hawks, Eagles, and Kites)
SAVANNA HAWK (Buteogallus meridionalis)
A well-marked Savannah Hawk soaring over us and the rice fields (photo by participant Dixie Mills)
ROADSIDE HAWK (Rupornis magnirostris) BROAD-WINGED HAWK (Buteo platypterus) [b]
GRAY-LINED HAWK (Buteo nitidus blakei)
SHORT-TAILED HAWK (Buteo brachyurus)
Rallidae (Rails, Gallinules, and Coots)
GRAY-NECKED WOOD-RAIL (Aramides cajaneus)
Charadriidae (Plovers and Lapwings)
SOUTHERN LAPWING (Vanellus chilensis)
Jacanidae (Jacanas)
WATTLED JACANA (BLACK-BACKED) (Jacana jacana hypomelaena)
Scolopacidae (Sandpipers and Allies)
SPOTTED SANDPIPER (Actitis macularius) [b]
SOLITARY SANDPIPER (Tringa solitaria) [b]
WILLET (Tringa semipalmata) [b]
Laridae (Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers)
LAUGHING GULL (Leucophaeus atricilla)
ROYAL TERN (AMERICAN) (Thalasseus maximus maximus) [b]
Columbidae (Pigeons and Doves)
An elegant Southern Lapwing (photo by participant Ed Hunter)
ROCK PIGEON (Columba livia) [I] SCALED PIGEON (Patagioenas speciosa)
PLAIN-BREASTED GROUND-DOVE (Columbina minuta elaeodes)
RUDDY GROUND-DOVE (Columbina talpacoti)
WHITE-TIPPED DOVE (Leptotila verreauxi)
Cuculidae (Cuckoos)
SQUIRREL CUCKOO (Piaya cayana)
STRIPED CUCKOO (Tapera naevia) [*]
SMOOTH-BILLED ANI (Crotophaga ani)
GROOVE-BILLED ANI (Crotophaga sulcirostris)
Strigidae (Owls)
TROPICAL SCREECH-OWL (Megascops choliba luctisonus)
SPECTACLED OWL (Pulsatrix perspicillata)
FERRUGINOUS PYGMY-OWL (FERRUGINOUS) (Glaucidium brasilianum ridgwayi)
MOTTLED OWL (Ciccaba virgata)
Nyctibiidae (Potoos)
COMMON POTOO (Nyctibius griseus)
Apodidae (Swifts)
What you thought was a knobby stump is a Common Potoo... (photo by participant Dixie Mills)
WHITE-COLLARED SWIFT (Streptoprocne zonaris) BAND-RUMPED SWIFT (Chaetura spinicaudus)
Trochilidae (Hummingbirds)
WHITE-NECKED JACOBIN (Florisuga mellivora)
GREEN HERMIT (Phaethornis guy)
STRIPE-THROATED HERMIT (Phaethornis striigularis)
BROWN VIOLETEAR (Colibri delphinae)
VERAGUAN MANGO (Anthracothorax veraguensis) [E]
LONG-BILLED STARTHROAT (Heliomaster longirostris)
PURPLE-THROATED MOUNTAIN-GEM (Lampornis calolaemus calolaemus)
GARDEN EMERALD (Chlorostilbon assimilis)
BRONZE-TAILED PLUMELETEER (Chalybura urochrysia)
CROWNED WOODNYMPH (Thalurania colombica)
SNOWCAP (Microchera albocoronata)
SNOWY-BELLIED HUMMINGBIRD (Amazilia edward collata) [E]
SAPPHIRE-THROATED HUMMINGBIRD (Lepidopyga coeruleogularis coeruleogularis) [E]
Trogonidae (Trogons)
This lovely Orange-bellied Trogon posed for all of us. (photo by participant Max Rodel)
BLACK-THROATED TROGON (Trogon rufus) ORANGE-BELLIED TROGON (Trogon aurantiiventris)
Momotidae (Motmots)
TODY MOTMOT (Hylomanes momotula)
RUFOUS MOTMOT (Baryphthengus martii)
BROAD-BILLED MOTMOT (Electron platyrhynchum)
Alcedinidae (Kingfishers)
BELTED KINGFISHER (Megaceryle alcyon) [b]
GREEN KINGFISHER (Chloroceryle americana)
Capitonidae (New World Barbets)
SPOT-CROWNED BARBET (Capito maculicoronatus maculicoronatus) [E]
Ramphastidae (Toucans)
Digiscoped Broad-billed Motmot with noticeable green chin (photo by participant Ed Hunter)
COLLARED ARACARI (Pteroglossus torquatus) KEEL-BILLED TOUCAN (Ramphastos sulfuratus)
Picidae (Woodpeckers)
BLACK-CHEEKED WOODPECKER (Melanerpes pucherani)
RED-CROWNED WOODPECKER (Melanerpes rubricapillus)
SMOKY-BROWN WOODPECKER (Picoides fumigatus)
LINEATED WOODPECKER (Dryocopus lineatus)
CRIMSON-CRESTED WOODPECKER (Campephilus melanoleucos)
Falconidae (Falcons and Caracaras)
CRESTED CARACARA (Caracara cheriway)
YELLOW-HEADED CARACARA (Milvago chimachima)
Psittacidae (New World and African Parrots)
ORANGE-CHINNED PARAKEET (Brotogeris jugularis)
BLUE-HEADED PARROT (Pionus menstruus)
YELLOW-CROWNED PARROT (Amazona ochrocephala panamensis)
BROWN-THROATED PARAKEET (VERAGUAS) (Eupsittula pertinax ocularis)
Thamnophilidae (Typical Antbirds)
FASCIATED ANTSHRIKE (Cymbilaimus lineatus)
A seldom-so-well-captured male Checker-throated Antwren (photo by participant Max Rodel)
GREAT ANTSHRIKE (Taraba major) [*] BARRED ANTSHRIKE (Thamnophilus doliatus)
BLACK-CROWNED ANTSHRIKE (Thamnophilus atrinucha)
PLAIN ANTVIREO (Dysithamnus mentalis)
SPOT-CROWNED ANTVIREO (Dysithamnus puncticeps)
CHECKER-THROATED ANTWREN (Epinecrophylla fulviventris)
DOT-WINGED ANTWREN (Microrhopias quixensis) [*]
DUSKY ANTBIRD (Cercomacra tyrannina)
WHITE-BELLIED ANTBIRD (Myrmeciza longipes) [*]
DULL-MANTLED ANTBIRD (Myrmeciza laemosticta)
BICOLORED ANTBIRD (Gymnopithys bicolor bicolor)
Conopophagidae (Gnateaters)
Our extraordinary Black-crowned Antpitta (video by guide John Rowlett)
BLACK-CROWNED ANTPITTA (Pittasoma michleri michleri) Grallariidae (Antpittas)
STREAK-CHESTED ANTPITTA (Hylopezus perspicillatus)
Furnariidae (Ovenbirds and Woodcreepers)
WEDGE-BILLED WOODCREEPER (Glyphorynchus spirurus)
COCOA WOODCREEPER (Xiphorhynchus susurrans)
SPOTTED WOODCREEPER (Xiphorhynchus erythropygius)
PLAIN XENOPS (Xenops minutus)
SPOTTED BARBTAIL (Premnoplex brunnescens) [*]
RED-FACED SPINETAIL (Cranioleuca erythrops)
Tyrannidae (Tyrant Flycatchers)
MOUSE-COLORED TYRANNULET (MOUSE-COLORED) (Phaeomyias murina eremonoma) [E]
This digiscoped Tody Motmot thinks we don't see him. (photo by participant Mona Gardner)
YELLOW TYRANNULET (Capsiempis flaveola semiflava) [*] YELLOW-BELLIED ELAENIA (Elaenia flavogaster)
OLIVE-STRIPED FLYCATCHER (Mionectes olivaceus)
SEPIA-CAPPED FLYCATCHER (Leptopogon amaurocephalus)
RUFOUS-BROWED TYRANNULET (Phylloscartes superciliaris)
PALTRY TYRANNULET (MISTLETOE) (Zimmerius vilissimus parvus)
SCALE-CRESTED PYGMY-TYRANT (Lophotriccus pileatus)
PALE-EYED PYGMY-TYRANT (Atalotriccus pilaris wilcoxi) [E]
SOUTHERN BENTBILL (Oncostoma olivaceum)
COMMON TODY-FLYCATCHER (Todirostrum cinereum)
EYE-RINGED FLATBILL (Rhynchocyclus brevirostris)
TUFTED FLYCATCHER (COSTA RICAN) (Mitrephanes phaeocercus aurantiiventris)
OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER (Contopus cooperi) [b]
EASTERN WOOD-PEWEE (Contopus virens) [b]
LONG-TAILED TYRANT (Colonia colonus)
DUSKY-CAPPED FLYCATCHER (Myiarchus tuberculifer)
PANAMA FLYCATCHER (Myiarchus panamensis)
GREAT KISKADEE (Pitangus sulphuratus)
RUSTY-MARGINED FLYCATCHER (Myiozetetes cayanensis)
SOCIAL FLYCATCHER (Myiozetetes similis)
STREAKED FLYCATCHER (Myiodynastes maculatus)
TROPICAL KINGBIRD (Tyrannus melancholicus)
Pipridae (Manakins)
This Rufous Motmot, at the other end of the motmot scale, knows we see him. (photo by participant Max Rodel)
LANCE-TAILED MANAKIN (Chiroxiphia lanceolata) WHITE-RUFFED MANAKIN (Corapipo altera)
GOLDEN-COLLARED MANAKIN (Manacus vitellinus) [*]
Tityridae (Tityras and Allies)
NORTHERN SCHIFFORNIS (NORTHERN) (Schiffornis veraepacis dumicola) [E]
WHITE-WINGED BECARD (Pachyramphus polychopterus) [*]
Vireonidae (Vireos, Shrike-Babblers, and Erpornis)
YELLOW-THROATED VIREO (Vireo flavifrons)
GOLDEN-FRONTED GREENLET (Hylophilus aurantiifrons aurantiifrons)
GREEN SHRIKE-VIREO (Vireolanius pulchellus) [*]
RUFOUS-BROWED PEPPERSHRIKE (NORTHERN) (Cyclarhis gujanensis perrygoi) [E]
Corvidae (Crows, Jays, and Magpies)
BLACK-CHESTED JAY (Cyanocorax affinis)
Hirundinidae (Swallows)
The Red-crowned Woodpecker shows affinities with Red-bellied Woodpecker. (photo by participant Dixie Mills)
BLUE-AND-WHITE SWALLOW (Pygochelidon cyanoleuca) SOUTHERN ROUGH-WINGED SWALLOW (Stelgidopteryx ruficollis)
GRAY-BREASTED MARTIN (Progne chalybea)
BARN SWALLOW (Hirundo rustica)
Troglodytidae (Wrens)
SCALY-BREASTED WREN (WHISTLING) (Microcerculus marginatus luscinia) [*]
HOUSE WREN (SOUTHERN) (Troglodytes aedon inquietus)
OCHRACEOUS WREN (Troglodytes ochraceus ligea) [E*]
BLACK-BELLIED WREN (Pheugopedius fasciatoventris)
RUFOUS-BREASTED WREN (Pheugopedius rutilus)
RUFOUS-AND-WHITE WREN (Thryophilus rufalbus)
PLAIN WREN (Cantorchilus modestus)
BAY WREN (Cantorchilus nigricapillus)
WHITE-BREASTED WOOD-WREN (Henicorhina leucosticta)
GRAY-BREASTED WOOD-WREN (Henicorhina leucophrys)
SONG WREN (Cyphorhinus phaeocephalus)
Polioptilidae (Gnatcatchers)
TAWNY-FACED GNATWREN (Microbates cinereiventris)
LONG-BILLED GNATWREN (Ramphocaenus melanurus) [*]
TROPICAL GNATCATCHER (Polioptila plumbea)
Turdidae (Thrushes and Allies)
Pale-vented Thrush showing--what else? (photo by participant Max Rodel)
PALE-VENTED THRUSH (Turdus obsoletus) CLAY-COLORED THRUSH (Turdus grayi)
Mimidae (Mockingbirds and Thrashers)
TROPICAL MOCKINGBIRD (TROPICAL) (Mimus gilvus tolimensis) [I]
Parulidae (New World Warblers)
LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH (Parkesia motacilla) [b]
NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH (Parkesia noveboracensis) [b]
GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER (Vermivora chrysoptera) [b]
BLACK-AND-WHITE WARBLER (Mniotilta varia) [b]
PROTHONOTARY WARBLER (Protonotaria citrea) [b]
TENNESSEE WARBLER (Oreothlypis peregrina) [b]
AMERICAN REDSTART (Setophaga ruticilla) [b]
BAY-BREASTED WARBLER (Setophaga castanea) [b]
BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER (Setophaga fusca) [b]
YELLOW WARBLER (Setophaga petechia) [b]
CHESTNUT-SIDED WARBLER (Setophaga pensylvanica) [b]
RUFOUS-CAPPED WARBLER (CHESTNUT-CAPPED) (Basileuterus rufifrons mesochrysus)
BUFF-RUMPED WARBLER (Myiothlypis fulvicauda)
CANADA WARBLER (Cardellina canadensis) [b]
Thraupidae (Tanagers and Allies)
Tawny-crested Tanager with crest raised (photo by participant Max Rodel)
WHITE-SHOULDERED TANAGER (Tachyphonus luctuosus) TAWNY-CRESTED TANAGER (Tachyphonus delatrii)
WHITE-LINED TANAGER (Tachyphonus rufus)
CRIMSON-BACKED TANAGER (Ramphocelus dimidiatus)
FLAME-RUMPED TANAGER (LEMON-RUMPED) (Ramphocelus flammigerus icteronotus)
BLUE-GRAY TANAGER (Thraupis episcopus)
PALM TANAGER (Thraupis palmarum)
PLAIN-COLORED TANAGER (Tangara inornata)
BAY-HEADED TANAGER (Tangara gyrola)
SILVER-THROATED TANAGER (Tangara icterocephala)
BLUE DACNIS (Dacnis cayana)
SHINING HONEYCREEPER (Cyanerpes lucidus)
Flame-rumped Tanagers in a domestic spat, female in charge (photo by participant Max Rodel)
GREEN HONEYCREEPER (Chlorophanes spiza) BLACK-AND-YELLOW TANAGER (Chrysothlypis chrysomelas)
VARIABLE SEEDEATER (VARIABLE) (Sporophila corvina hoffmannii)
BANANAQUIT (Coereba flaveola)
DUSKY-FACED TANAGER (Mitrospingus cassinii)
ROSY THRUSH-TANAGER (Rhodinocichla rosea)
BLACK-HEADED SALTATOR (Saltator atriceps)
STREAKED SALTATOR (Saltator striatipectus)
Emberizidae (Buntings and New World Sparrows)
CHESTNUT-CAPPED BRUSH-FINCH (Arremon brunneinucha)
ORANGE-BILLED SPARROW (Arremon aurantiirostris)
BLACK-STRIPED SPARROW (Arremonops conirostris)
COMMON CHLOROSPINGUS (CENTRAL PANAMA) (Chlorospingus flavopectus punctulatus) [E]
Cardinalidae (Cardinals and Allies)
Bay-headed Tanager (photo by participant Max Rodel)
HEPATIC TANAGER (HIGHLAND) (Piranga flava testacea) SUMMER TANAGER (Piranga rubra) [b]
RED-CROWNED ANT-TANAGER (Habia rubica vinacea)
RED-THROATED ANT-TANAGER (RED-THROATED) (Habia fuscicauda willisi) [*]
BLUE-BLACK GROSBEAK (Cyanocompsa cyanoides)
Icteridae (Troupials and Allies)
GREAT-TAILED GRACKLE (Quiscalus mexicanus)
YELLOW-BACKED ORIOLE (Icterus chrysater giraudii)
BALTIMORE ORIOLE (Icterus galbula) [b]
SCARLET-RUMPED CACIQUE (SCARLET-RUMPED) (Cacicus uropygialis microrhynchus)
CRESTED OROPENDOLA (Psarocolius decumanus)
Fringillidae (Finches, Euphonias, and Allies)
YELLOW-CROWNED EUPHONIA (Euphonia luteicapilla)
Thick-billed Euphonias at the Lodge feeder (photo by participant Max Rodel)
THICK-BILLED EUPHONIA (Euphonia laniirostris) TAWNY-CAPPED EUPHONIA (Euphonia anneae)
LESSER GOLDFINCH (Spinus psaltria)
RED-TAILED SQUIRREL (Sciurus granatensis)
CENTRAL AMERICAN AGOUTI (Dasyprocta punctata)
Totals for the tour: 216 bird taxa and 3 mammal taxa