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The Tambopata area is well-known for its parrot clay-licks, and while we saw some amazing parrots, we also had some wonderful views of waterbirds on this tour. This Capped Heron put on a great show on our last day. Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
We certainly had a mixed bag when it came to weather on this year's Peruvian Rainforests of the Tambopata tour! It had been exceptionally dry prior to our arrival, but we found that it had just rained in Puerto Maldonado just before our flight from Lima touched down. That first night at Posada Amazonas, a southern cold front (a) moved in and it proceeded to rain pretty much non-stop until about 1:00 p.m. the following day! We lost that first morning to the rain but hardly saw another drop after that. The rest of the trip was fairly typical of what you would expect weather-wise for that region of the world, with warm, humid days and cool, comfortable nights. Despite the problems created by the rain that first day, we did really well on this one!
Even though our time at Posada Amazonas was cut short by the rain, we still managed some great finds! Most productive for us were our two trips to the canopy tower (a 20 min. walk from the lodge) and the Tres Chimbadas trail and oxbow lake. That look we had at the Bartlett's Tinamou in the trail to the tower was one of only a few that I've ever seen in many years of birding in w. Amazonia, and the lovely adult Agami Heron at Tres Chimbadas was my first ever for that site! Add the other lake birds, lovely White-cheeked Tody-Flycatcher, Black-spotted Bare-eye, Curl-crested Aracari (for most), Golden-collared Toucanet, and others, and it's clear that our time here was well spent!
Tambopata Research Center is deservedly the primary focus of this tour, with it's remarkable parrot clay lick so close to the lodge itself and the myriad trails emanating from the lodge clearing. We did wonderfully well during our stay here, seeing an unforgettable parrot show on our first full morning during our ccollpa vigil before breakfast. We tallied 13 species of psittacids at the ccollpa that first visit, with exquisite looks at most of them in the early morning sunlight. But a visit to TRC is so much more than just parrots! The trails here continue to be one of the most reliable sites that I know of for the strange Pale-winged Trumpeter, which we all saw well on multiple occasions. And the birding in general here is super! Some of my personal highlights while based there include bamboo specialties like Rufous-breasted Piculet, Striated, White-lined, Manu, and Goeldi's antbirds and both Large-headed and Dusky-tailed flatbills, and such infrequently-seen species as Ash-throated Gnateater, Black-tailed Leaftosser, Razor-billed Curassow, Orinoco Goose, Agami Heron (another adult!), Orange-breasted Falcon, Semicollared Puffbird, White-throated Antbird, Ruddy Spinetail, Pale-tailed Barbthroat, Rufous-capped Nunlet, White-throated Jacamar, Scarlet-hooded Barbet, and so many others. Seeing a good variety of both austral migrants from the south and boreal migrants from the north was fun for me, too!
I know it was a little cruel of me and Silverio to make all of you wait until the last full day of birding to see the Harpy Eagle, but, man was it worth it! Our last venue of the tour, Refugio Amazonas, had an active nest found earlier in the year and we knew that chick would be around for the tour, but we weren't very confident of seeing an adult. Since the chick was only about three months, we thought there was a chance of seeing an adult and, sure enough, an adult came in just as we were getting ready to end our vigil on the trail! WOW!!! What a great way to end the tour! That male Pavonine Quetzal and the pair of Collared Puffbirds on the same trail were just icing on the cake for us!
Thanks so much to all of you for joining me for this delightful tour to one of the world's richest sites for birds! I really had a blast birding with all of you! And thanks also to Silverio Duri for his expert guidance - it would have been a difficult tour to lead without his help and good local knowledge. I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday season and I look forward to our next birding opportunity together!
One of the following keys may be shown in brackets for individual species as appropriate: * = heard only, I = introduced, E = endemic, N = nesting, a = austral migrant, b = boreal migrant

Chestnut-fronted Macaws in flight. Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
Tinamidae (Tinamous)
GREAT TINAMOU (Tinamus major)
CINEREOUS TINAMOU (Crypturellus cinereus) [*]
LITTLE TINAMOU (Crypturellus soui) [*]
UNDULATED TINAMOU (Crypturellus undulatus) [*]
BARTLETT'S TINAMOU (Crypturellus bartletti)
Anhimidae (Screamers)
HORNED SCREAMER (Anhima cornuta)
Anatidae (Ducks, Geese, and Waterfowl)
ORINOCO GOOSE (Oressochen jubatus)
MUSCOVY DUCK (Cairina moschata)
Cracidae (Guans, Chachalacas, and Curassows)
SPIX'S GUAN (Penelope jacquacu)

A few of the Orinoco Geese we saw. This species seems to be increasing, which is nice to see! Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
Odontophoridae (New World Quail)
STARRED WOOD-QUAIL (Odontophorus stellatus) [*]
Ciconiidae (Storks)
WOOD STORK (Mycteria americana)
Phalacrocoracidae (Cormorants and Shags)
NEOTROPIC CORMORANT (Phalacrocorax brasilianus)
Anhingidae (Anhingas)
ANHINGA (Anhinga anhinga)
Ardeidae (Herons, Egrets, and Bitterns)
RUFESCENT TIGER-HERON (Tigrisoma lineatum)
COCOI HERON (Ardea cocoi)
GREAT EGRET (Ardea alba)
SNOWY EGRET (Egretta thula)
CATTLE EGRET (Bubulcus ibis)
STRIATED HERON (Butorides striata)
AGAMI HERON (Agamia agami)
CAPPED HERON (Pilherodius pileatus)

The Agami Heron we saw at Tres Chimbadas could not have been more cooperative! Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
Threskiornithidae (Ibises and Spoonbills)
ROSEATE SPOONBILL (Platalea ajaja)
Cathartidae (New World Vultures)
BLACK VULTURE (Coragyps atratus)
TURKEY VULTURE (Cathartes aura)
KING VULTURE (Sarcoramphus papa)
Pandionidae (Osprey)
OSPREY (Pandion haliaetus) [b]
Accipitridae (Hawks, Eagles, and Kites)
SWALLOW-TAILED KITE (Elanoides forficatus)
HARPY EAGLE (Harpia harpyja) [N]
ORNATE HAWK-EAGLE (Spizaetus ornatus)
SLENDER-BILLED KITE (Helicolestes hamatus)
We had a great view of this Harpy Eagle and chick at their nest. It was well worth the wait! Video by guide Dave Stejskal.
DOUBLE-TOOTHED KITE (Harpagus bidentatus)
PLUMBEOUS KITE (Ictinia plumbea) [N]
SLATE-COLORED HAWK (Buteogallus schistaceus)
GREAT BLACK HAWK (Buteogallus urubitinga)
ROADSIDE HAWK (Rupornis magnirostris)
GRAY-LINED HAWK (Buteo nitidus)
Rallidae (Rails, Gallinules, and Coots)
GRAY-BREASTED CRAKE (Laterallus exilis)
GRAY-COWLED WOOD-RAIL (Aramides cajaneus) [*]
Heliornithidae (Finfoots)
SUNGREBE (Heliornis fulica)
Psophiidae (Trumpeters)
PALE-WINGED TRUMPETER (Psophia leucoptera)
Charadriidae (Plovers and Lapwings)
PIED LAPWING (Vanellus cayanus)
COLLARED PLOVER (Charadrius collaris)
Jacanidae (Jacanas)
WATTLED JACANA (Jacana jacana)
Scolopacidae (Sandpipers and Allies)
STILT SANDPIPER (Calidris himantopus) [b]
WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER (Calidris fuscicollis) [b]

This Great Potoo and chick at Infierno gave us wonderful views. Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
PECTORAL SANDPIPER (Calidris melanotos) [b]
SPOTTED SANDPIPER (Actitis macularius) [b]
SOLITARY SANDPIPER (Tringa solitaria) [b]
LESSER YELLOWLEGS (Tringa flavipes) [b]
Laridae (Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers)
YELLOW-BILLED TERN (Sternula superciliaris)
LARGE-BILLED TERN (Phaetusa simplex)
BLACK SKIMMER (Rynchops niger)
Columbidae (Pigeons and Doves)
ROCK PIGEON (Columba livia) [I]
PALE-VENTED PIGEON (Patagioenas cayennensis)
PLUMBEOUS PIGEON (Patagioenas plumbea)

The Horned Screamer is a bizarre bird! This one we found along the Tambopata showed us just how odd these birds are, showing off its "horn", and the large spikes on its wings. Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
RUDDY PIGEON (Patagioenas subvinacea) [*]
RUDDY GROUND-DOVE (Columbina talpacoti)
RUDDY QUAIL-DOVE (Geotrygon montana)
GRAY-FRONTED DOVE (Leptotila rufaxilla) [*]
Opisthocomidae (Hoatzin)
HOATZIN (Opisthocomus hoazin)
Cuculidae (Cuckoos)
GREATER ANI (Crotophaga major)
SMOOTH-BILLED ANI (Crotophaga ani)
SQUIRREL CUCKOO (Piaya cayana)
Strigidae (Owls)
TAWNY-BELLIED SCREECH-OWL (AUSTRAL) (Megascops watsonii usta)
CRESTED OWL (Lophostrix cristata)
SPECTACLED OWL (Pulsatrix perspicillata) [*]

A beautiful male Gould's Jewelfront posed nicely for us at Posada Amazonas. Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
AMAZONIAN PYGMY-OWL (Glaucidium hardyi) [*]
FERRUGINOUS PYGMY-OWL (Glaucidium brasilianum) [*]
BURROWING OWL (Athene cunicularia)
Caprimulgidae (Nightjars and Allies)
SAND-COLORED NIGHTHAWK (Chordeiles rupestris)
LADDER-TAILED NIGHTJAR (Hydropsalis climacocerca)
Nyctibiidae (Potoos)
GREAT POTOO (Nyctibius grandis) [N]
Apodidae (Swifts)
WHITE-COLLARED SWIFT (Streptoprocne zonaris)
AMAZONIAN SWIFT (Chaetura viridipennis)
PALE-RUMPED SWIFT (Chaetura egregia)
FORK-TAILED PALM-SWIFT (Tachornis squamata)
Trochilidae (Hummingbirds)
WHITE-NECKED JACOBIN (Florisuga mellivora)
PALE-TAILED BARBTHROAT (Threnetes leucurus leucurus)
WHITE-BEARDED HERMIT (Phaethornis hispidus)
GREAT-BILLED HERMIT (Phaethornis malaris)
REDDISH HERMIT (Phaethornis ruber)
BLACK-EARED FAIRY (Heliothryx auritus)
BLACK-THROATED MANGO (Anthracothorax nigricollis)
FESTIVE COQUETTE (Lophornis chalybeus)

Blue-and-yellow Macaws were very common this year. Here are a few that we saw in flight. Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
GOULD'S JEWELFRONT (Heliodoxa aurescens)
FORK-TAILED WOODNYMPH (Thalurania furcata)
WHITE-CHINNED SAPPHIRE (Hylocharis cyanus)
Trogonidae (Trogons)
PAVONINE QUETZAL (Pharomachrus pavoninus)
BLACK-TAILED TROGON (Trogon melanurus)
GREEN-BACKED TROGON (Trogon viridis) [*]
BLUE-CROWNED TROGON (Trogon curucui)
COLLARED TROGON (Trogon collaris)
Momotidae (Motmots)
AMAZONIAN MOTMOT (Momotus momota)
RUFOUS MOTMOT (Baryphthengus martii)
BROAD-BILLED MOTMOT (Electron platyrhynchum)

One of the Black-fronted Nunbirds we found; this one has captured a grasshopper of some sort. Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
Alcedinidae (Kingfishers)
RINGED KINGFISHER (Megaceryle torquata)
AMAZON KINGFISHER (Chloroceryle amazona)
Bucconidae (Puffbirds)
WHITE-NECKED PUFFBIRD (Notharchus hyperrhynchus)
COLLARED PUFFBIRD (Bucco capensis)
SEMICOLLARED PUFFBIRD (Malacoptila semicincta)
RUFOUS-CAPPED NUNLET (Nonnula ruficapilla)
BLACK-FRONTED NUNBIRD (Monasa nigrifrons) [N]
WHITE-FRONTED NUNBIRD (Monasa morphoeus)
SWALLOW-WINGED PUFFBIRD (Chelidoptera tenebrosa)
Galbulidae (Jacamars)
PURUS JACAMAR (Galbalcyrhynchus purusianus)
WHITE-THROATED JACAMAR (Brachygalba albogularis)
BLUISH-FRONTED JACAMAR (Galbula cyanescens)
GREAT JACAMAR (Jacamerops aureus)
Capitonidae (New World Barbets)
GILDED BARBET (Capito auratus)
SCARLET-HOODED BARBET (Eubucco tucinkae)

A flock of Sand-colored Nighthawks roosting along the Tambopata gave us a great opportunity to study them closely. Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
Ramphastidae (Toucans)
EMERALD TOUCANET (BLACK-THROATED) (Aulacorhynchus prasinus atrogularis)
CHESTNUT-EARED ARACARI (Pteroglossus castanotis)
CURL-CRESTED ARACARI (Pteroglossus beauharnaesii)
GOLDEN-COLLARED TOUCANET (Selenidera reinwardtii)
WHITE-THROATED TOUCAN (Ramphastos tucanus cuvieri)
CHANNEL-BILLED TOUCAN (YELLOW-RIDGED) (Ramphastos vitellinus culminatus) [*]
Picidae (Woodpeckers)
RUFOUS-BREASTED PICULET (Picumnus rufiventris)
YELLOW-TUFTED WOODPECKER (Melanerpes cruentatus)
LITTLE WOODPECKER (Veniliornis passerinus)
GOLDEN-GREEN WOODPECKER (Piculus chrysochloros)

The ccollpa at Tambopata, with 3 species of macaws! Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
RUFOUS-HEADED WOODPECKER (Celeus spectabilis) [*]
LINEATED WOODPECKER (Dryocopus lineatus)
RED-NECKED WOODPECKER (Campephilus rubricollis)
CRIMSON-CRESTED WOODPECKER (Campephilus melanoleucos)
Falconidae (Falcons and Caracaras)
COLLARED FOREST-FALCON (Micrastur semitorquatus)
BLACK CARACARA (Daptrius ater)
RED-THROATED CARACARA (Ibycter americanus)
AMERICAN KESTREL (Falco sparverius)
BAT FALCON (Falco rufigularis)
ORANGE-BREASTED FALCON (Falco deiroleucus)
Psittacidae (New World and African Parrots)
AMAZONIAN PARROTLET (Nannopsittaca dachilleae) [*]
COBALT-WINGED PARAKEET (Brotogeris cyanoptera)
ORANGE-CHEEKED PARROT (Pyrilia barrabandi)
BLUE-HEADED PARROT (Pionus menstruus)
YELLOW-CROWNED PARROT (Amazona ochrocephala)
MEALY PARROT (Amazona farinosa)
WHITE-BELLIED PARROT (Pionites leucogaster)
BLACK-CAPPED PARAKEET (Pyrrhura rupicola)
DUSKY-HEADED PARAKEET (Aratinga weddellii)
RED-BELLIED MACAW (Orthopsittaca manilatus)
BLUE-HEADED MACAW (Primolius couloni)
This video of parrots at the clay-lick shows a number of the smaller species that we saw there, although you can hear the large macaws in the background. What a tremendous spectacle this is! Video by guide Dave Stejskal.
RED-AND-GREEN MACAW (Ara chloropterus)
WHITE-EYED PARAKEET (Psittacara leucophthalmus)
Thamnophilidae (Typical Antbirds)
GREAT ANTSHRIKE (Taraba major)
BARRED ANTSHRIKE (Thamnophilus doliatus) [*]
PLAIN-WINGED ANTSHRIKE (Thamnophilus schistaceus)
WHITE-SHOULDERED ANTSHRIKE (Thamnophilus aethiops kapouni)
DUSKY-THROATED ANTSHRIKE (Thamnomanes ardesiacus ardesiacus)
BLUISH-SLATE ANTSHRIKE (Thamnomanes schistogynus)
PLAIN-THROATED ANTWREN (Isleria hauxwelli)
WHITE-EYED ANTWREN (Epinecrophylla leucophthalma)
ORNATE ANTWREN (Epinecrophylla ornata meridionalis)
PYGMY ANTWREN (Myrmotherula brachyura) [*]
SCLATER'S ANTWREN (Myrmotherula sclateri) [*]

The Green-and-rufous Kingfisher is more difficult to find than the other species, but we got a nice view of this one. Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
WHITE-FLANKED ANTWREN (Myrmotherula axillaris)
LONG-WINGED ANTWREN (Myrmotherula longipennis)
IHERING'S ANTWREN (BAMBOO) (Myrmotherula iheringi oreni)
GRAY ANTWREN (Myrmotherula menetriesii menetriesii)
STRIATED ANTBIRD (Drymophila devillei)
YELLOW-BREASTED WARBLING-ANTBIRD (Hypocnemis subflava collinsi)
BLACK ANTBIRD (Cercomacroides serva)
RIPARIAN ANTBIRD (Cercomacroides fuscicauda)
MANU ANTBIRD (Cercomacra manu)
GRAY ANTBIRD (Cercomacra cinerascens) [*]

This view from Trail A at Tambopata shows an oxbow lake that is cut off from the main Tambopata River. Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
WHITE-BROWED ANTBIRD (Myrmoborus leucophrys)
BLACK-FACED ANTBIRD (Myrmoborus myotherinus)
BAND-TAILED ANTBIRD (Hypocnemoides maculicauda)
SILVERED ANTBIRD (Sclateria naevia)
WHITE-LINED ANTBIRD (Percnostola lophotes)
PLUMBEOUS ANTBIRD (Myrmelastes hyperythrus)
CHESTNUT-TAILED ANTBIRD (Sciaphylax hemimelaena)
GOELDI'S ANTBIRD (Akletos goeldii)
BLACK-THROATED ANTBIRD (Myrmophylax atrothorax)
WHITE-THROATED ANTBIRD (Gymnopithys salvini)
Our experience with the Pale-winged Trumpeters was exceptional! Be sure to have the sound turned up, as you can hear the odd calls that these birds make. Video by guide Dave Stejskal.
COMMON SCALE-BACKED ANTBIRD (GRAY-BREASTED) (Willisornis poecilinotus griseiventris)
BLACK-SPOTTED BARE-EYE (Phlegopsis nigromaculata)
Conopophagidae (Gnateaters)
ASH-THROATED GNATEATER (Conopophaga peruviana)
Grallariidae (Antpittas)
AMAZONIAN ANTPITTA (Hylopezus berlepschi) [*]
Formicariidae (Antthrushes)
BLACK-FACED ANTTHRUSH (Formicarius analis)
RUFOUS-FRONTED ANTTHRUSH (Formicarius rufifrons)
Furnariidae (Ovenbirds and Woodcreepers)
BLACK-TAILED LEAFTOSSER (Sclerurus caudacutus)
LONG-TAILED WOODCREEPER (Deconychura longicauda)
PLAIN-BROWN WOODCREEPER (LINE-THROATED) (Dendrocincla fuliginosa atrirostris)
WEDGE-BILLED WOODCREEPER (Glyphorynchus spirurus)
LONG-BILLED WOODCREEPER (Nasica longirostris) [*]
ELEGANT WOODCREEPER (Xiphorhynchus elegans juruanus)

The Hoatzin is certainly an unusual bird! Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
BUFF-THROATED WOODCREEPER (LAFRESNAYE'S) (Xiphorhynchus guttatus guttatoides)
RED-BILLED SCYTHEBILL (Campylorhamphus trochilirostris)
PLAIN XENOPS (Xenops minutus)
PALE-LEGGED HORNERO (Furnarius leucopus)
CHESTNUT-WINGED HOOKBILL (Ancistrops strigilatus)
BROWN-RUMPED FOLIAGE-GLEANER (Automolus melanopezus) [*]

White-cheeked Tody-Flycatcher is a bamboo specialist; we saw this male very well at Tres Chimbadas. Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
SPECKLED SPINETAIL (Cranioleuca gutturata)
RUDDY SPINETAIL (Synallaxis rutilans)
PLAIN-CROWNED SPINETAIL (Synallaxis gujanensis) [*]
Tyrannidae (Tyrant Flycatchers)
FOREST ELAENIA (Myiopagis gaimardii) [*]
SEPIA-CAPPED FLYCATCHER (Leptopogon amaurocephalus)
SHORT-TAILED PYGMY-TYRANT (Myiornis ecaudatus)
FLAMMULATED PYGMY-TYRANT (Hemitriccus flammulatus)
WHITE-BELLIED TODY-TYRANT (Hemitriccus griseipectus)
JOHANNES'S TODY-TYRANT (Hemitriccus iohannis)
WHITE-CHEEKED TODY-FLYCATCHER (Poecilotriccus albifacies)
RUSTY-FRONTED TODY-FLYCATCHER (Poecilotriccus latirostris)
YELLOW-BROWED TODY-FLYCATCHER (Todirostrum chrysocrotaphum)
GRAY-CROWNED FLYCATCHER (Tolmomyias poliocephalus)
YELLOW-BREASTED FLYCATCHER (Tolmomyias flaviventris)
GOLDEN-CROWNED SPADEBILL (Platyrinchus coronatus)
RUDDY-TAILED FLYCATCHER (Terenotriccus erythrurus)
EASTERN WOOD-PEWEE (Contopus virens) [b]
TROPICAL PEWEE (Contopus cinereus)

This Greater Ani showed itself well for us at Tres Chimbadas. Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
DRAB WATER TYRANT (Ochthornis littoralis)
LARGE-HEADED FLATBILL (Ramphotrigon megacephalum)
DUSKY-TAILED FLATBILL (Ramphotrigon fuscicauda)
BRIGHT-RUMPED ATTILA (Attila spadiceus) [*]
GRAYISH MOURNER (Rhytipterna simplex)
SWAINSON'S FLYCATCHER (Myiarchus swainsoni) [a]
GREAT KISKADEE (Pitangus sulphuratus)
BOAT-BILLED FLYCATCHER (Megarynchus pitangua)
SOCIAL FLYCATCHER (Myiozetetes similis) [N]
GRAY-CAPPED FLYCATCHER (Myiozetetes granadensis)
DUSKY-CHESTED FLYCATCHER (Myiozetetes luteiventris)
STREAKED FLYCATCHER (Myiodynastes maculatus)
SULPHUR-BELLIED FLYCATCHER (Myiodynastes luteiventris) [b]
VARIEGATED FLYCATCHER (Empidonomus varius) [a]
CROWNED SLATY FLYCATCHER (Empidonomus aurantioatrocristatus) [a]
TROPICAL KINGBIRD (Tyrannus melancholicus)
EASTERN KINGBIRD (Tyrannus tyrannus) [b]
Cotingidae (Cotingas)
SCREAMING PIHA (Lipaugus vociferans)
Pipridae (Manakins)
DWARF TYRANT-MANAKIN (Tyranneutes stolzmanni)
BAND-TAILED MANAKIN (Pipra fasciicauda)
Tityridae (Tityras and Allies)
CINEREOUS MOURNER (Laniocera hypopyrra) [*]
WHITE-WINGED BECARD (Pachyramphus polychopterus)

We were up and on our way early many mornings! Here is a view of our canoe at Tambopata at dawn. Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
Vireonidae (Vireos, Shrike-Babblers, and Erpornis)
DUSKY-CAPPED GREENLET (Pachysylvia hypoxantha)
RED-EYED VIREO (Vireo olivaceus)
YELLOW-GREEN VIREO (Vireo flavoviridis) [b]
Corvidae (Crows, Jays, and Magpies)
PURPLISH JAY (Cyanocorax cyanomelas)
VIOLACEOUS JAY (Cyanocorax violaceus)
Hirundinidae (Swallows)
WHITE-BANDED SWALLOW (Atticora fasciata)
SOUTHERN ROUGH-WINGED SWALLOW (Stelgidopteryx ruficollis)
WHITE-WINGED SWALLOW (Tachycineta albiventer)
BANK SWALLOW (Riparia riparia) [b]
BARN SWALLOW (Hirundo rustica) [b]
Troglodytidae (Wrens)
SCALY-BREASTED WREN (Microcerculus marginatus) [*]

This Pavonine Quetzal was a welcome surprise on our trip to see the Harpy nest! Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
THRUSH-LIKE WREN (Campylorhynchus turdinus)
MOUSTACHED WREN (Pheugopedius genibarbis)
BUFF-BREASTED WREN (Cantorchilus leucotis) [*]
MUSICIAN WREN (Cyphorhinus arada)
Donacobiidae (Donacobius)
BLACK-CAPPED DONACOBIUS (Donacobius atricapilla)
Turdidae (Thrushes and Allies)
SWAINSON'S THRUSH (Catharus ustulatus) [b]
HAUXWELL'S THRUSH (Turdus hauxwelli)
LAWRENCE'S THRUSH (Turdus lawrencii)
BLACK-BILLED THRUSH (Turdus ignobilis)
WHITE-NECKED THRUSH (Turdus albicollis)
Thraupidae (Tanagers and Allies)
RED-CAPPED CARDINAL (Paroaria gularis)
MAGPIE TANAGER (Cissopis leverianus)
WHITE-SHOULDERED TANAGER (Tachyphonus luctuosus)
SILVER-BEAKED TANAGER (Ramphocelus carbo)
MASKED CRIMSON TANAGER (Ramphocelus nigrogularis)
BLUE-GRAY TANAGER (Thraupis episcopus)
PALM TANAGER (Thraupis palmarum)
MASKED TANAGER (Tangara nigrocincta)
YELLOW-BELLIED TANAGER (Tangara xanthogastra)
TURQUOISE TANAGER (Tangara mexicana)
PARADISE TANAGER (Tangara chilensis)
OPAL-CROWNED TANAGER (Tangara callophrys)
GREEN-AND-GOLD TANAGER (Tangara schrankii)
SWALLOW TANAGER (Tersina viridis)

The Dwarf Tyrant-Manakin isn't as flashy as some of its cousins, but it can be very difficult to see well. This one was an exception! Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
YELLOW-BELLIED DACNIS (Dacnis flaviventer)
BLUE DACNIS (Dacnis cayana)
PURPLE HONEYCREEPER (Cyanerpes caeruleus)
GREEN HONEYCREEPER (Chlorophanes spiza)
YELLOW-BACKED TANAGER (Hemithraupis flavicollis)
BLUE-BLACK GRASSQUIT (Volatinia jacarina)
DOUBLE-COLLARED SEEDEATER (Sporophila caerulescens) [a]
GRAYISH SALTATOR (Saltator coerulescens)
SLATE-COLORED GROSBEAK (Saltator grossus) [*]
Emberizidae (Buntings and New World Sparrows)
YELLOW-BROWED SPARROW (Ammodramus aurifrons)
Cardinalidae (Cardinals and Allies)
SCARLET TANAGER (Piranga olivacea) [b]
BLUE-BLACK GROSBEAK (Cyanocompsa cyanoides)
Icteridae (Troupials and Allies)
GIANT COWBIRD (Molothrus oryzivorus)
EPAULET ORIOLE (Icterus cayanensis)
ORANGE-BACKED TROUPIAL (Icterus croconotus)
CASQUED CACIQUE (Cacicus oseryi)
RUSSET-BACKED OROPENDOLA (Psarocolius angustifrons)
CRESTED OROPENDOLA (Psarocolius decumanus)
OLIVE OROPENDOLA (Psarocolius bifasciatus)
Fringillidae (Finches, Euphonias, and Allies)
GOLDEN-BELLIED EUPHONIA (Euphonia chrysopasta)
RUFOUS-BELLIED EUPHONIA (Euphonia rufiventris) [*]
SADDLEBACK TAMARIN (Saguinus fuscicollis)
Just a portion of the huge herd of White-lipped Peccaries that we saw at TRC. Video by guide Dave Stejskal.
DUSKY TITI MONKEY (Callicebus moloch)
RED HOWLER MONKEY (Alouatta seniculus)
BROWN CAPUCHIN (Cebus apella)
BLACK SPIDER MONKEY (Ateles paniscus)
CAPYBARA (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris)
BROWN AGOUTI (Dasyprocta variegata)
TAYRA (Eira barbara)
RED BROCKET DEER (Mazama americana)
GIANT AMEIVA (Ameiva ameiva)
SPECTACLED CAIMAN (Caiman crocodilus)

This Spectacled Caiman looks quite satisfied with its home at TRC! Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
BLACK CAIMAN (Melanosuchus niger)
Totals for the tour: 314 bird taxa and 13 mammal taxa