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The group squeezing out every last specialty bird we can before the sun sets on our evening near Salineño. Photo by guide Doug Hitchcox.
This was the inaugural tour of the partnership between Field Guides and Maine Audubon, and what a place to start! The Rio Grande Valley is one of the most iconic birding destinations in the United States, with a great mix of migrants from the north, regional specialties, and a slew of charismatic Mexican species whose ranges just barely make it across the river and into Texas. We were treated to overall good weather, especially when compared with the rest of the atypically frigid winter the valley has been experiencing. A big rainstorm passed the day before the tour started, and the strong winds at the bottom of a big cold front held off until the very last morning of the tour, as we headed to the airport.
We started in Harlingen, a great jumping off point for the birding sites at the coast and around Brownsville. The first morning of the tour found us way down on the southern border, south even of Brownsville, at Sabal Palm Sanctuary. Here we got our first taste of the some of the Mexican species that barely get into the US, with Altamira Orioles, saturated with a brighter version of orange than the fruit on which they were feeding, already on station when we got to the feeders. Under and around them were Green Jays and White-tipped Dove doing their thing in plain sight, apparently oblivious to our presence. We took a short jaunt on the trails, netting us Long-billed Thrasher, great views of Olive Sparrow, a few other odds and ends and our first Least Grebes, and only Ring-necked Duck, of the trip. After we were done with Sabal Palm it was onto Port Isabel and the coast. Aplomado Falcons have been exceedingly difficult to find this year, and we couldn’t find them in any of our stops around Old Port Isabel Road or rt. 100, though we had our first experiences with Eastern Meadowlarks, Long-billed Curlews and some displaying White-tailed Hawks. From here we shot out to the coast (via a great seafood lunch!), going directly to the famous South Padre Island Convention Center. Though passerines were fairly thin on the ground (except for Marsh Wren!), waterbirds put on a fantastic showing — in addition to the big masses of shorebirds on the coastal mudflats, we had spectacular views of Roseate Spoonbill, Black-necked Stilts, Tricolored Heron, and even a Sora. We then headed back towards Brownsville, with a couple of brief stops for more shorebirds and waders, picking up a large flock of American Avocets, some more Western Willets, and point blank views of Reddish Egret, and American Oystercatcher. Our dusk destination in Brownsville was Oliveira Park where we bore witness to a spectacle of parrots that was a true barrage on the senses, with several hundred birds of four species swirling around over us in waves and making an awe-inspiring cacophony. Just as we thought they were settling in for the night and quieting down, a harebrained young Cooper’s Hawk decided to take a plunge towards them, and the tree they were in erupted in an explosion of noise and feathers that none of us will soon forget (The Cooper’s Hawk quickly realized it had made a terrible mistake, and flew away in the opposite direction empty-handed).
We started off day two with a last minute audible, by heading to a private yard that had just had an Allen’s Hummingbird banded the day before. Though the yard was still chilly and cool during our early morning visit, we saw a couple of hummingbirds, including a selasphorus. Though we weren’t 100% sure of the specific identification of our bird, it was later identified as one of the two Allen’s Hummingbirds that were visiting the yard. After a short time in the yard we headed to one of the real jewels of the valley, Estero Llano Grande State Park. The avian diversity at Estero is always top-notch, as our morning here re-enforced. From high flying goose skeins (containing three species!) and migrant warblers, to our first Anhingas and Neotropic Cormorants, Pauraques and Cave Swallows, to waterbirds in the canal and on the ponds, and a stunningly pale Great Horned Owl, Estero filled up the box score (read: the checklist). From there we headed down to Progreso Lakes, where we had a very productive stop at a local birder’s residence where we gawked at a huge spectacle of Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks, and then some nearby grain elevators that produced dozens each of Yellow-headed Blackbirds and Bronzed Cowbirds. Lunch at the Blue Onion was the cherry on top (of the chocolate cake) of what was already a fine morning. We then headed to Mission, checking into the hotel and then heading down for a late afternoon stop at Anzalduas, where we tracked down several Sprague’s Pipits, and many Western Meadowlarks. As a bonus, while we were in the process of getting ushered out because the park was closing, amid a large flock of meadowlarks alongside the road was a surprise Scissor-tailed Flycatcher! We drove around the streets of McAllen looking for Green Parakeets, but the roost didn’t materialize as it normally does, and we only saw them briefly flying over a couple of times.
Our primary focus of the third day was to find the two rarest birds currently present in the valley: Blue Bunting and Rose-throated Becard. We knew that with a little luck we could get both of these headliners in the morning, but our luck amounted to much more than just a little. Quinta Mazatlán was our first stop of the day, and it was a dandy. We set up shop at the feeding station at the amphitheater, and watched as more than a dozen Great Kiskadees swarmed down from the treetops to the newly replenished food, in the company of Long-billed Thrasher, Inca and White-tipped doves and more. Couch’s Kingbirds and Tropical Kingbirds were putting on fantastic side-by-side displays with lots of vocalizations for a very instructive comparison. Then, at 8:41 AM, the male Blue Bunting came in and put on a splendid show for almost twenty minutes, giving mind-blowing views as it alternated between the ground and the log feeders. We rounded out our visit at Quinta with a quick walk on the trails and then were off to the Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge, another legendary birding location, and one of the pieces of property that is under threat from the potential border wall being bandied about. Our quarry here was Rose-throated Becard, and we connected with it almost immediately upon our entry into the main part of the park, thanks to seeing its shadow moving across the road in front of us! It gave us some fabulous views for twenty minutes, and we were able to get several other groups of birders who were searching for it onto the bird, allowing us to share this gem with a pile of other delighted birders. We explored the trails and towers of Santa Ana, looking out over Mexico, and also seeing many waterbirds and even running into the Becard once more before we left. From Santa Ana we made our way to a great Tex-Mex lunch in Alamo via some local roads that produced our only Burrowing Owl of the tour. From Alamo, we headed up to our final birding stop of the chock full day, Edinburg Scenic Wetlands. Edinburg closed out our day on a high note, with an unexpected Black-throated Gray Warbler, a fantastic comparison of the two species of cormorants, and our main target, Green Kingfisher.
Day four saw us at yet another nationally famous birding site at dawn: Bentsen Rio Grande Valley State Park. We had a great feeder experience, including a cacophony of Plain Chachalacas (that’s really what a flock of Chachalacas should be known as- a cacophony of chachalacas has a good ring to it, doesn’t it?), and great views of Altamira Orioles and Green Jays. A walk to the river and into the park produced great views of our first Vermilion Flycatcher, and then we loaded up and headed up valley. We stopped at Salineño for yet another spectacular feeder experience, this one producing Audubon’s and Hooded orioles, the former making an eleventh hour appearance at point blank range. We then had a very well timed pit stop down at the river which produced a great, close, Gray Hawk courtesy of Ken and Joe’s scouting. We rounded out our day with some roadside birding for Black-tailed Gnatcatcher, Lark Buntings, Cactus Wren, and Cassin’s Sparrow before heading to Zapata, our home for the next two nights.
Our penultimate day dawned sunny and blue, and we started off back at Salineño, where we saw perhaps the entire state’s supply of White-winged Doves, in addition to some other odds and ends like Swamp Sparrow and Marsh Wren. We then headed over to Falcon State Park, stopping briefly on the way for a flock of Lark Buntings, and Lark and Clay-colored sparrows. Falcon was notable mostly for the marshmallow brigade—the troop of Orange-crowned Warblers that were coming in to a feeder setup to tear into some marshmallows that were impaled on branches for them. This was a life experience for every person in the group! Greater Roadrunner was a nice pickup before we left the park. Heading over to Zapata via a nearby park produced Black-throated Sparrow, and a couple of very skulky Bewick’s Wrens. At Zapata, we got our most important up-valley target: White-collared Seedeater, in addition to another Black-throated Gray Warbler, Audubon’s Oriole, and surprise flyover Zone-tailed Hawk. Our final true birding stop up valley was the San Ygnacio dump, which was actually chock full of birds, including about 60 Chihuahuan Ravens, over a hundred Crested Caracaras, exceptionally cooperative Cassin’s Sparrows, and absurdly showy Greater Roadrunners, running across what else but a road!
For the final morning we blasted back down the valley before sunrise to give the falcon-that-shall-not-be-named another crack. While none of them played ball, we did add a flock of Sandhill Cranes and a nicely perched White-tailed Hawk that gave great scope views. As time ran out we headed over to McAllen and Harlingen to say our sad goodbyes after a wonderful week of birding down in the valley.
It was a truly fantastic tour, with great experience after great experience after great experience, in large part because of all of you! It would be hard to envision a more congenial and enjoyable group to travel with, and Doug H. and I were tickled pink that you chose to spend the week in our company. Here’s to you all, and here’s to the birds of the Rio Grande Valley! Until we see you in the field again, be it in Maine or somewhere in the big birding-verse beyond!
-Doug Gochfeld
One of the following keys may be shown in brackets for individual species as appropriate: * = heard only, I = introduced, E = endemic, N = nesting, a = austral migrant, b = boreal migrant
This was one of the Plain Chachalacas that serenaded us from the treetops as we entered the main part of the park at Bentsen. Photo by participant John Berry.
Some Reddish Egrets aren't reddish at all (except maybe for the base of that bill!). This sleek white morph put on a fantastic show for us at extremely close range. Even this American Oystercatcher was delighted by this turn of events! Photo by guide Doug Gochfeld.
Tilapia was on the menu for more than just us when we got farther north up the valley. This Osprey looks like it's having some trouble handling its prey as it flies over Salineño. Photo by guide Doug Gochfeld.
We got several good views of Harris's Hawk, but none could hold a candle to this bird perched near the feeders at Estero Llano Grande. Photo by participant John Berry.
What camouflage! We got to experience the forest-palette stealth mode of Common Pauraque more than once. Photo by guide Doug Gochfeld.
On our very first morning we were treated to a very diverting show aerial acrobatics by a duo of foraging Gull-billed Terns, along the legendary Old Port Isabel Road. Photo by guide Doug Gochfeld.
This Greater Roadrunner took a brief break from its road running at San Ygnacio to do some road tail-bobbing! Photo by guide Doug Gochfeld.
This Ladder-backed Woodpecker froze in place when a raptor came over at Salineño, and didn't un-glue itself from the perch for more than ten minutes afterwards. It only stopped acting like a statue when several other birds returned to feed. Photo by participant John Berry.
We got quite a few chances to work on our field identification of cormorants during this tour, with Neotropic Cormorants freely intermixing with their larger Double-crested cousins. Photo by guide Doug Gochfeld.
Rose-throated Becard was one of our most hoped for species during our time in the valley, but our looks were better than even the grandest of these hopes. Photo by guide Doug Gochfeld.
Clay-colored Thrush was formerly known as Clay-colored Robin, but whatever you want to call it, it's rare in the United States, only occurring down here in South Texas! Photo by guide Doug Hitchcox.
We did eventually get very good looks at Sprague's Pipit on the ground, but many of our views were very much like this one, as they flew by us giving their distinctive flight calls. Photo by guide Doug Gochfeld.
White-collared Seedeater came through great for us in Zapata. This thin stretch of river is the only place to find this species within the United States of America! Photo by guide Doug Gochfeld.
Olive Sparrows showed really well this year, with several views of atypically exposed individuals. Photo by participant John Berry.
This awfully cooperative Pyrrhuloxia, the desert cardinal, was a great experience at Falcon Lake. Photo by participant John Berry.
Our long wait was rewarded (not that waiting at those feeders was any kind of tribulation!) with a spectacular view of this male Audubon's Oriole during our first afternoon at Salineño. Photo by guide Doug Gochfeld.
One of the jewels of the tour. Blue Bunting may have a generic name, but it is no way a generic bird! Photo by guide Doug Hitchcox.
As if the tour wasn't special enough: we even got to witness a solar eclipse midway through the tour! Photo by guide Doug Hitchcox.
Totals for the tour: 188 bird taxa and 8 mammal taxa