For our tour description, itinerary, past triplists, dates, fees, and more, please VISIT OUR TOUR PAGE.
See this triplist in printable PDF format with media only on page 1.

This shimmering Green-tailed Aethopyga is one of the fanciest sunbirds we saw on the tour! Photo by participant Fred Dalbey.
It’s been two months now since our Thailand adventure closed and yet I live with persistent reminders of episodes from that trip that arise almost daily! No doubt, in part, because this was my first tour to this extraordinary country for birds, food, culture, and people (and now we know, butterflies!). And in part because I knew that ours was the last tour, after 21 wonderful years, that our heralded Asia guide Dave Stejskal would lead to Siam. Ouch, bite the man! Having the encounters, as we did, with so many legendary birds--Spoon-billed Sandpiper and Nordmann’s Greenshank, Silver Pheasant and Siamese Fireback, Great Hornbill and Silver-breasted Broadbill, Crested Jay and Ratchet-tailed Treepie, Sultan Tit and Giant Nuthatch, and overwhelming numbers of bulbuls, babblers, leaf warblers, and flycatchers--is enough to assure an exceptional birding tour. But to insure an experience of the highest quality, it was necessary to collect a stellar group of participants under the leadership of a first-rate guide and mix in some fabulous Thai food, some Siamese culture, and Dave’s good friend Wat with the best ground crew in the business in order to produce the kind of trip we in fact enjoyed. It was a humdinger.
Birding started in Bangkok, where for the first-timer to Thailand everything was exciting, perhaps especially the petit Coppersmith Barbets we encountered for the first time. And Bangkok held species like Plain-throated Sunbird, Small Minivet, and Pink-necked Pigeon, all of which we had perhaps our best looks at right on the grounds of the Rama Gardens. Of course birding picked up at a steep pace once we got south of Bangkok into the sand-spit/mangrove area of Laem Phak Bia and the unbelievable salt pans of Pak Thale! We were all a bit flabbergasted at first by the sheer number of shorebirds our first afternoon there, until everyone’s attention was clearly focused with Pepper’s riveting “Bingo!” Spoon-billed Sandpiper in the scope. Now who has seen a better collection of Palearctic breeders--indeed of shorebirds anywhere--than at Pak Thale? Nordmann’s Greenshanks, Asian Dowitchers, and a couple of Far Eastern Curlews amongst a huge flock of Eurasian Curlews continue to come up on my screen. And what a study of the Tringa and Calidris peeps! At nearby Laem Phak Bia we scoped from the sand-spit Malaysian Plover, Pallas’s Gull, Black-naped Tern, and Chinese Egret. And finally, to reward our guide with a couple of lifers, most of the group enjoyed remarkable views of the scarce vagrants Brahminy and Rosy Starlings in the Laem Phak Bia dump.
Next came Kaeng Krachan and Khao Yai, two locales with a southern Thai flavor, harboring birds we would not see in the montane north. Our first day to the highest elevation was undertaken in pickups due to park regulations. Our most memorable standouts were a trio of Kalij Pheasants on our way up, Yellow-vented Pigeon and Red-throated Barbet feeding in a fruiting fig at the end of the road, and Rusty-naped Pitta, Red-bearded Bee-eater, and Ratchet-tailed Treepie on the way down. The next few days brought us Scaly-breasted Partridges, a couple of owlet species, the lovely Banded Kingfisher, a female Bamboo Woodpecker that gave us a drumming study, a close couple of Crested Jays (wow!), and Great Hornbills feeding in a fruiting tree for some--the other van would have to catch up at Khao Yai. Ah, Khao Yai, home of Silver Pheasant and Siamese Fireback. Actually seeing both these spectacular beauties fulfilled what seemed a lifelong dream for Pepper--finally seeing two birds he and his sister had become attached to while birding the family encyclopedia when in their pre-teens! The Coral-billed Ground-Cuckoo that sang so tantalizingly close but wouldn’t quite show remains an unfulfilled dream. There we closed the day with a dusk-visit to a bat cave and witnessed an extraordinary spectacle in the smoke-like exodus of some incalculable number of Wrinkle-lipped Free-tailed Bats. And as Dave had predicted, those in need redeemed their miss, standing breathless as a majestic Great Hornbill pumped its way across a valley falling away before us all--a one-act flyby as singularly spectacular as the seemingly infinite spectacle of bats.
Doi Inthanon and Doi Lang came next, after we flew to the northern city of Chiang Mai. Though Doi Inthanon excited us with a brilliant morning of cool, mountain air and its summit bog with Yellow-cheeked Tits, Green-tailed Sunbirds, the peculiar Dark-sided Thrush, and the minuscule Pygmy Cupwing, the trip up Doi Lang made the trip to the north most memorable for everyone! The first morning we drove up Doi Lang we were surprised by a brilliant male Hume’s Pheasant displaying for an unseen female in front of our vans! That was followed by startlingly good studies of Himalayan Cutias and Gray-headed Parrotbills feeding in a flowering Erythrina, a Giant Nuthatch gathering nesting material in the road, and an up-close and personal encounter with a Spot-breasted Parrotbill--one so bold that Pepper got a fantastic video on his iPhone! Driving to the end of the drivable road, we were soon face-to-face with a nesting Hodgson’s Frogmouth and a nesting pair of Black-throated Tits. In addition, we had very nice views of many normally skulking species at the photo feeding stations. Other highlights in the north included Green Peafowl on our final morning, a Chinese Francolin boldly crossing the road, some shimmering cuckoos, a cool Black-headed Woodpecker in a dry dipterocarp forest, close White-headed Bulbuls, and some fabulous Silver-breasted Broadbills, to name a few of the most exciting finds.
Critical to the enjoyment of our tour was the unmatched attentiveness characteristic of the off-stage/on-stage ground crew of Wat and his family, as well as the enthusiasm of our drivers and the special savvy of Jiang who also served as our videographer! They treated us like family and we came away feeling an uncommon bond, especially with Wat. That final dinner was really touching. Thanks to Fred, Danny, Jan, John, and Dave who loaded photos onto the Field Guides SmugMug site. I’ve used quite a few in the triplist, but space limits kept me from showing all the good ones. I’ve indicated in the species comments when an especially nice photo can be found there, so when you’re thinking back over the tour, be sure to supplement your reading of this list with a reference to the photos on SmugMug. And check out Jiang’s video again at:
A special thanks to Lisa Standley for carefully sorting the butterflies we saw, many of them along the streams in Kaeng Krachan. Dave and I had a wonderful time with all of you and we will look forward to our paths crossing again!
John Rowlett with Dave Stejskal
One of the following keys may be shown in brackets for individual species as appropriate: * = heard only, I = introduced, E = endemic, N = nesting, a = austral migrant, b = boreal migrant
Anatidae (Ducks, Geese, and Waterfowl)
LESSER WHISTLING-DUCK (Dendrocygna javanica)
COTTON PYGMY-GOOSE (Nettapus coromandelianus)
GARGANEY (Anas querquedula) [b]
Phasianidae (Pheasants, Grouse, and Allies)
RUFOUS-THROATED PARTRIDGE (Arborophila rufogularis)
SCALY-BREASTED PARTRIDGE (Arborophila chloropus)

What a thrill to watch this Hume's Pheasant in spectacular display along the road at Doi Lang! Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
GREEN PEAFOWL (Pavo muticus)
GRAY PEACOCK-PHEASANT (Polyplectron bicalcaratum) [*]
CHINESE FRANCOLIN (Francolinus pintadeanus)
RED JUNGLEFOWL (Gallus gallus)
HUME'S PHEASANT (Syrmaticus humiae)
SILVER PHEASANT (Lophura nycthemera)
KALIJ PHEASANT (Lophura leucomelanos hamiltonii)
SIAMESE FIREBACK (Lophura diardi)
Podicipedidae (Grebes)
LITTLE GREBE (Tachybaptus ruficollis)
Ciconiidae (Storks)
ASIAN OPENBILL (Anastomus oscitans)
PAINTED STORK (Mycteria leucocephala)
Phalacrocoracidae (Cormorants and Shags)
LITTLE CORMORANT (Microcarbo niger)
INDIAN CORMORANT (Phalacrocorax fuscicollis)
Ardeidae (Herons, Egrets, and Bitterns)
YELLOW BITTERN (Ixobrychus sinensis)
CINNAMON BITTERN (Ixobrychus cinnamomeus)
GRAY HERON (Ardea cinerea)

Male and female Kalij Pheasants sauntering off the road at Kaeng Krachan. Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
PURPLE HERON (Ardea purpurea)
GREAT EGRET (AUSTRALASIAN) (Ardea alba modesta)
INTERMEDIATE EGRET (Mesophoyx intermedia)
CHINESE EGRET (Egretta eulophotes) [b]
LITTLE EGRET (Egretta garzetta)
PACIFIC REEF-HERON (Egretta sacra)
CATTLE EGRET (EASTERN) (Bubulcus ibis coromandus)
CHINESE POND-HERON (Ardeola bacchus)
JAVAN POND-HERON (Ardeola speciosa)
STRIATED HERON (OLD WORLD) (Butorides striata javanica)
BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON (Nycticorax nycticorax)
Threskiornithidae (Ibises and Spoonbills)
BLACK-HEADED IBIS (Threskiornis melanocephalus)
Pandionidae (Osprey)
OSPREY (Pandion haliaetus)
Accipitridae (Hawks, Eagles, and Kites)
BLACK-SHOULDERED KITE (Elanus caeruleus)
ORIENTAL HONEY-BUZZARD (Pernis ptilorhynchus) [b]
JERDON'S BAZA (Aviceda jerdoni) [N]
BLACK BAZA (Aviceda leuphotes)

A most handsome bird, the White-crested Laughingthrush, here at a bait log seeking mealworms. Photo by participant Fred Dalbey.
CRESTED SERPENT-EAGLE (Spilornis cheela)
RUFOUS-WINGED BUZZARD (Butastur liventer)
PIED HARRIER (Circus melanoleucos)
CRESTED GOSHAWK (Accipiter trivirgatus)
SHIKRA (Accipiter badius)
BLACK KITE (Milvus migrans)
BRAHMINY KITE (Haliastur indus)
EASTERN BUZZARD (Buteo japonicus japonicus)
Rallidae (Rails, Gallinules, and Coots)
WHITE-BREASTED WATERHEN (Amaurornis phoenicurus)
RUDDY-BREASTED CRAKE (Zapornia fusca) [*]
BLACK-BACKED SWAMPHEN (Porphyrio indicus viridis)
EURASIAN MOORHEN (Gallinula chloropus)
Burhinidae (Thick-knees)
INDIAN THICK-KNEE (Burhinus indicus)
Recurvirostridae (Stilts and Avocets)
BLACK-WINGED STILT (Himantopus himantopus)
PIED AVOCET (Recurvirostra avosetta)
Charadriidae (Plovers and Lapwings)
BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER (Pluvialis squatarola) [b]
PACIFIC GOLDEN-PLOVER (Pluvialis fulva) [b]

This remarkable bird, Spot-breasted Parrotbill, received the tour's blue ribbons as the boldest species and bearer of the snazziest name—Paradoxornis! Photo by blue-ribbon participant Fred Dalbey.
GRAY-HEADED LAPWING (Vanellus cinereus)
RED-WATTLED LAPWING (Vanellus indicus atronuchalis)
LESSER SAND-PLOVER (Charadrius mongolus) [b]
GREATER SAND-PLOVER (Charadrius leschenaultii) [b]
MALAYSIAN PLOVER (Charadrius peronii)
KENTISH PLOVER (KENTISH) (Charadrius alexandrinus alexandrinus) [b]
LITTLE RINGED PLOVER (Charadrius dubius) [N]
Jacanidae (Jacanas)
PHEASANT-TAILED JACANA (Hydrophasianus chirurgus)
BRONZE-WINGED JACANA (Metopidius indicus)
Scolopacidae (Sandpipers and Allies)
WHIMBREL (SIBERIAN) (Numenius phaeopus variegatus) [b]
FAR EASTERN CURLEW (Numenius madagascariensis) [b]
EURASIAN CURLEW (Numenius arquata) [b]
BLACK-TAILED GODWIT (MELANUROIDES) (Limosa limosa melanuroides) [b]
BAR-TAILED GODWIT (SIBERIAN) (Limosa lapponica baueri) [b]
GREAT KNOT (Calidris tenuirostris) [b]
RED KNOT (Calidris canutus) [b]
RUFF (Calidris pugnax) [b]

The darkly beautiful Silver-eared Laughingthrush. Photo by participant Fred Dalbey.
BROAD-BILLED SANDPIPER (Calidris falcinellus) [b]
CURLEW SANDPIPER (Calidris ferruginea) [b]
TEMMINCK'S STINT (Calidris temminckii) [b]
LONG-TOED STINT (Calidris subminuta) [b]
SPOON-BILLED SANDPIPER (Calidris pygmea) [b]
RED-NECKED STINT (Calidris ruficollis) [b]
SANDERLING (Calidris alba) [b]
DUNLIN (Calidris alpina) [b]
ASIAN DOWITCHER (Limnodromus semipalmatus) [b]
COMMON SNIPE (Gallinago gallinago) [b]
PIN-TAILED SNIPE (Gallinago stenura) [b]
TEREK SANDPIPER (Xenus cinereus) [b]
COMMON SANDPIPER (Actitis hypoleucos) [b]
GREEN SANDPIPER (Tringa ochropus) [b]
SPOTTED REDSHANK (Tringa erythropus) [b]
COMMON GREENSHANK (Tringa nebularia) [b]
NORDMANN'S GREENSHANK (Tringa guttifer) [b]

Spoon-billed Sandpiper head-on. BINGO! Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
MARSH SANDPIPER (Tringa stagnatilis) [b]
WOOD SANDPIPER (Tringa glareola) [b]
COMMON REDSHANK (Tringa totanus) [b]
Glareolidae (Pratincoles and Coursers)
ORIENTAL PRATINCOLE (Glareola maldivarum)
Laridae (Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers)
BROWN-HEADED GULL (Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus)
PALLAS'S GULL (Ichthyaetus ichthyaetus) [b]
LITTLE TERN (Sternula albifrons)
GULL-BILLED TERN (Gelochelidon nilotica)
CASPIAN TERN (Hydroprogne caspia) [b]
WHITE-WINGED TERN (Chlidonias leucopterus) [b]
WHISKERED TERN (Chlidonias hybrida) [b]
BLACK-NAPED TERN (Sterna sumatrana)
COMMON TERN (Sterna hirundo) [b]
GREAT CRESTED TERN (Thalasseus bergii) [b]
Columbidae (Pigeons and Doves)
ROCK PIGEON (Columba livia) [I]
SPECKLED WOOD-PIGEON (Columba hodgsonii)
ASHY WOOD-PIGEON (Columba pulchricollis)
ORIENTAL TURTLE-DOVE (Streptopelia orientalis)
RED COLLARED-DOVE (Streptopelia tranquebarica)
SPOTTED DOVE (Streptopelia chinensis)
BARRED CUCKOO-DOVE (Macropygia unchall)
ASIAN EMERALD DOVE (Chalcophaps indica)
ZEBRA DOVE (Geopelia striata)
PINK-NECKED PIGEON (Treron vernans)
THICK-BILLED PIGEON (Treron curvirostra)
YELLOW-VENTED PIGEON (Treron seimundi)
PIN-TAILED PIGEON (Treron apicauda)
Cuculidae (Cuckoos)
CORAL-BILLED GROUND-CUCKOO (Carpococcyx renauldi) [*]
GREATER COUCAL (Centropus sinensis)
GREEN-BILLED MALKOHA (Phaenicophaeus tristis)
ASIAN KOEL (Eudynamys scolopaceus)

What an ultra gem, this Ultramarine Flycatcher! Photo by participant Fred Dalbey.
ASIAN EMERALD CUCKOO (Chrysococcyx maculatus)
VIOLET CUCKOO (Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus)
BANDED BAY CUCKOO (Cacomantis sonneratii)
PLAINTIVE CUCKOO (Cacomantis merulinus)
LARGE HAWK-CUCKOO (Hierococcyx sparverioides) [*]
INDIAN CUCKOO (Cuculus micropterus) [*]
HIMALAYAN CUCKOO (Cuculus saturatus)
Strigidae (Owls)
MOUNTAIN SCOPS-OWL (Otus spilocephalus) [*]
ORIENTAL SCOPS-OWL (WALDEN'S) (Otus sunia modestus)
COLLARED OWLET (Glaucidium brodiei brodiei)
ASIAN BARRED OWLET (Glaucidium cuculoides)
SPOTTED OWLET (Athene brama)
BROWN BOOBOOK (Ninox scutulata)
Podargidae (Frogmouths)
HODGSON'S FROGMOUTH (Batrachostomus hodgsoni) [N]
Caprimulgidae (Nightjars and Allies)
LARGE-TAILED NIGHTJAR (Caprimulgus macrurus)

Hanging from its "trashy-looking" nest, this Long-tailed Broadbill's long tail can't be seen. Photo by participant Fred Dalbey.
INDIAN NIGHTJAR (Caprimulgus asiaticus)
Apodidae (Swifts)
BROWN-BACKED NEEDLETAIL (Hirundapus giganteus)
HIMALAYAN SWIFTLET (Aerodramus brevirostris)
GERMAIN'S SWIFTLET (Aerodramus germani)
COOK'S SWIFT (Apus cooki)
HOUSE SWIFT (Apus nipalensis)
ASIAN PALM-SWIFT (Cypsiurus balasiensis)
Hemiprocnidae (Treeswifts)
CRESTED TREESWIFT (Hemiprocne coronata)
Trogonidae (Trogons)
RED-HEADED TROGON (Harpactes erythrocephalus)
ORANGE-BREASTED TROGON (Harpactes oreskios)
Upupidae (Hoopoes)
Bucerotidae (Hornbills)
GREAT HORNBILL (Buceros bicornis)
BROWN HORNBILL (Anorrhinus austeni)
ORIENTAL PIED-HORNBILL (Anthracoceros albirostris)
WREATHED HORNBILL (Rhyticeros undulatus)
Alcedinidae (Kingfishers)
BANDED KINGFISHER (Lacedo pulchella) [N]

Birding and photographing in comfort as we target a variety of species feeding in a flowering Erythrina. Photo by participant John Spahr.
STORK-BILLED KINGFISHER (Pelargopsis capensis)
COLLARED KINGFISHER (Todiramphus chloris)
Meropidae (Bee-eaters)
RED-BEARDED BEE-EATER (Nyctyornis amictus)
BLUE-BEARDED BEE-EATER (Nyctyornis athertoni)
GREEN BEE-EATER (Merops orientalis)
BLUE-TAILED BEE-EATER (Merops philippinus)
CHESTNUT-HEADED BEE-EATER (Merops leschenaulti) [N]
Coraciidae (Rollers)
INDIAN ROLLER (Coracias benghalensis)
DOLLARBIRD (Eurystomus orientalis)
Megalaimidae (Asian Barbets)
COPPERSMITH BARBET (Psilopogon haemacephalus) [N]
BLUE-EARED BARBET (Psilopogon duvaucelii) [N]
GREAT BARBET (Psilopogon virens)
RED-THROATED BARBET (Psilopogon mystacophanos)
GREEN-EARED BARBET (Psilopogon faiostrictus)
LINEATED BARBET (Psilopogon lineatus)

Baya Weaver watching us from its intricately woven nest. Photo by participant Jan Shaw.
GOLDEN-THROATED BARBET (Psilopogon franklinii)
MOUSTACHED BARBET (Psilopogon incognitus)
BLUE-THROATED BARBET (Psilopogon asiaticus)
Picidae (Woodpeckers)
SPECKLED PICULET (Picumnus innominatus)
GRAY-CAPPED WOODPECKER (Dendrocopos canicapillus)
CRIMSON-BREASTED WOODPECKER (Dendrocopos cathpharius)
WHITE-BELLIED WOODPECKER (Dryocopus javensis) [*]
LESSER YELLOWNAPE (Picus chlorolophus)
GREATER YELLOWNAPE (Picus flavinucha)
LACED WOODPECKER (Picus vittatus)
BLACK-HEADED WOODPECKER (Picus erythropygius)
COMMON FLAMEBACK (Dinopium javanense)
BAMBOO WOODPECKER (Gecinulus viridis)
BUFF-RUMPED WOODPECKER (Meiglyptes tristis)

This handsome Black-throated Laughingthrush greeted us at Khao Yai with a medley of rich tones and wolf-whistles. Photo by participant Fred Dalbey.
GREATER FLAMEBACK (Chrysocolaptes guttacristatus)
BAY WOODPECKER (Blythipicus pyrrhotis)
GREAT SLATY WOODPECKER (Mulleripicus pulverulentus) [*]
Falconidae (Falcons and Caracaras)
COLLARED FALCONET (Microhierax caerulescens)
BLACK-THIGHED FALCONET (Microhierax fringillarius)
EURASIAN KESTREL (Falco tinnunculus)
PEREGRINE FALCON (Falco peregrinus)
Psittaculidae (Old World Parrots)
GRAY-HEADED PARAKEET (Psittacula finschii)
BLOSSOM-HEADED PARAKEET (Psittacula roseata)
RED-BREASTED PARAKEET (Psittacula alexandri)
VERNAL HANGING-PARROT (Loriculus vernalis)
Eurylaimidae (Asian and Grauer's Broadbills)
BLACK-AND-RED BROADBILL (Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchos)
LONG-TAILED BROADBILL (Psarisomus dalhousiae) [N]
BANDED BROADBILL (Eurylaimus javanicus)
BLACK-AND-YELLOW BROADBILL (Eurylaimus ochromalus)

The red-throated taxon of Black-crested Bulbul greeted us at Khao Yai. Photo by participant Fred Dalbey.
DUSKY BROADBILL (Corydon sumatranus)
Pittidae (Pittas)
RUSTY-NAPED PITTA (Hydrornis oatesi)
BLUE PITTA (Hydrornis cyaneus)
Vangidae (Vangas, Helmetshrikes, and Allies)
LARGE WOODSHRIKE (Tephrodornis virgatus)
Artamidae (Woodswallows)
ASHY WOODSWALLOW (Artamus fuscus)
Aegithinidae (Ioras)
COMMON IORA (Aegithina tiphia)
GREAT IORA (Aegithina lafresnayei)
Campephagidae (Cuckooshrikes)
SMALL MINIVET (Pericrocotus cinnamomeus)
SHORT-BILLED MINIVET (Pericrocotus brevirostris)
LONG-TAILED MINIVET (Pericrocotus ethologus) [N]
SCARLET MINIVET (Pericrocotus speciosus)
ASHY MINIVET (Pericrocotus divaricatus) [b]
BROWN-RUMPED MINIVET (Pericrocotus cantonensis) [b]
ROSY MINIVET (Pericrocotus roseus) [b]

Can you pick out the two Far Eastern Curlews in this group of Eurasian Curlews? Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
Laniidae (Shrikes)
BROWN SHRIKE (Lanius cristatus) [b]
BURMESE SHRIKE (Lanius collurioides)
LONG-TAILED SHRIKE (Lanius schach)
Vireonidae (Vireos, Shrike-Babblers, and Erpornis)
BLYTH'S SHRIKE-BABBLER (Pteruthius aeralatus)
CLICKING SHRIKE-BABBLER (Pteruthius intermedius)
WHITE-BELLIED ERPORNIS (Erpornis zantholeuca)
Oriolidae (Old World Orioles)
BLACK-NAPED ORIOLE (Oriolus chinensis) [b]
SLENDER-BILLED ORIOLE (Oriolus tenuirostris)
BLACK-HOODED ORIOLE (Oriolus xanthornus)
MAROON ORIOLE (Oriolus traillii)
Dicruridae (Drongos)
BLACK DRONGO (Dicrurus macrocercus)
ASHY DRONGO (Dicrurus leucophaeus)
BRONZED DRONGO (Dicrurus aeneus) [N]
HAIR-CRESTED DRONGO (Dicrurus hottentottus)
Rhipiduridae (Fantails)
MALAYSIAN PIED-FANTAIL (Rhipidura javanica)

This magnificent Great Hornbill was a thrill to behold pumping its way through the ether before us! Photo by participant Fred Dalbey.
WHITE-THROATED FANTAIL (Rhipidura albicollis) [*]
Monarchidae (Monarch Flycatchers)
BLACK-NAPED MONARCH (Hypothymis azurea)
Corvidae (Crows, Jays, and Magpies)
CRESTED JAY (Platylophus galericulatus)
EURASIAN JAY (WHITE-FACED) (Garrulus glandarius leucotis)
RED-BILLED BLUE-MAGPIE (Urocissa erythroryncha)
COMMON GREEN-MAGPIE (Cissa chinensis) [*]
RUFOUS TREEPIE (Dendrocitta vagabunda)
GRAY TREEPIE (Dendrocitta formosae)
RACKET-TAILED TREEPIE (Crypsirina temia)
RATCHET-TAILED TREEPIE (Temnurus temnurus)
LARGE-BILLED CROW (Corvus macrorhynchos)
Alaudidae (Larks)
INDOCHINESE BUSHLARK (Mirafra erythrocephala)
ORIENTAL SKYLARK (Alauda gulgula) [*]
Hirundinidae (Swallows)
BANK SWALLOW (Riparia riparia) [b]
BARN SWALLOW (Hirundo rustica) [b]
RED-RUMPED SWALLOW (Cecropis daurica) [b]

This male Hodgson's Frogmouth is incubating an egg at the end of the road, Doi Lang. Photo by participant Fred Dalbey.
STRIATED SWALLOW (Cecropis striolata)
ASIAN HOUSE-MARTIN (Delichon dasypus) [b]
Stenostiridae (Fairy Flycatchers)
YELLOW-BELLIED FAIRY-FANTAIL (Chelidorhynx hypoxantha)
GRAY-HEADED CANARY-FLYCATCHER (Culicicapa ceylonensis)
Paridae (Tits, Chickadees, and Titmice)
SULTAN TIT (Melanochlora sultanea)
JAPANESE TIT (Parus minor nubicolus)
YELLOW-CHEEKED TIT (Machlolophus spilonotus)
Aegithalidae (Long-tailed Tits)
BLACK-THROATED TIT (Aegithalos concinnus) [N]
Sittidae (Nuthatches)
GIANT NUTHATCH (Sitta magna)
Certhiidae (Treecreepers)
HUME'S TREECREEPER (Certhia manipurensis shanensis)
Pycnonotidae (Bulbuls)
CRESTED FINCHBILL (Spizixos canifrons)
BLACK-HEADED BULBUL (Pycnonotus atriceps)
STRIATED BULBUL (Pycnonotus striatus)
BLACK-CRESTED BULBUL (Pycnonotus flaviventris)
RED-WHISKERED BULBUL (Pycnonotus jocosus)
Himalayan Cutia was among the most thrilling finds at bird-rich Doi Lang. Participant Danny Shelton got this video of one feeding in "our" flowering Erythrina.
BROWN-BREASTED BULBUL (Pycnonotus xanthorrhous)
SOOTY-HEADED BULBUL (Pycnonotus aurigaster)
STRIPE-THROATED BULBUL (Pycnonotus finlaysoni)
FLAVESCENT BULBUL (Pycnonotus flavescens)
YELLOW-VENTED BULBUL (Pycnonotus goiavier)
STREAK-EARED BULBUL (Pycnonotus blanfordi)
PUFF-THROATED BULBUL (Alophoixus pallidus)
OCHRACEOUS BULBUL (Alophoixus ochraceus)
GRAY-EYED BULBUL (Iole propinqua)
BUFF-VENTED BULBUL (Iole olivacea)
BLACK BULBUL (Hypsipetes leucocephalus)
WHITE-HEADED BULBUL (Hypsipetes thompsoni)
ASHY BULBUL (Hemixos flavala)
MOUNTAIN BULBUL (Ixos mcclellandii)
Pnoepygidae (Cupwings)
PYGMY CUPWING (Pnoepyga pusilla)
Cettiidae (Bush-Warblers and Allies)
YELLOW-BELLIED WARBLER (Abroscopus superciliaris)
MOUNTAIN TAILORBIRD (Phyllergates cucullatus)
Phylloscopidae (Leaf Warblers)
DUSKY WARBLER (Phylloscopus fuscatus) [b]

This pert Limestone Wren-Babbler inspected us closely at a Wat. Photo by participant Fred Dalbey.
BUFF-THROATED WARBLER (Phylloscopus subaffinis) [b]
YELLOW-STREAKED WARBLER (Phylloscopus armandii) [b]
RADDE'S WARBLER (Phylloscopus schwarzi) [b]
BUFF-BARRED WARBLER (Phylloscopus pulcher) [b]
ASHY-THROATED WARBLER (Phylloscopus maculipennis)
PALLAS'S LEAF WARBLER (Phylloscopus proregulus) [b]
CHINESE LEAF WARBLER (Phylloscopus yunnanensis) [b]
YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER (Phylloscopus inornatus) [b]
HUME'S WARBLER (Phylloscopus humei) [b]
GREENISH WARBLER (Phylloscopus trochiloides) [b]
TWO-BARRED WARBLER (Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus) [b]
PALE-LEGGED LEAF WARBLER (Phylloscopus tenellipes) [b]
EASTERN CROWNED LEAF WARBLER (Phylloscopus coronatus)
BLYTH'S LEAF WARBLER (Phylloscopus reguloides assamensis)
CLAUDIA'S LEAF WARBLER (Phylloscopus claudiae) [b]
DAVISON'S LEAF WARBLER (Phylloscopus davisoni)
SULPHUR-BREASTED WARBLER (Phylloscopus ricketti) [b]

Cautious Mountain Bamboo-Partridges on the roadside at Doi Lang. Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
GRAY-CROWNED WARBLER (Seicercus tephrocephalus) [b]
PLAIN-TAILED WARBLER (Seicercus soror) [b]
MARTENS'S WARBLER (Seicercus omeiensis)
BIANCHI'S WARBLER (Seicercus valentini) [b]
CHESTNUT-CROWNED WARBLER (Seicercus castaniceps) [*]
Acrocephalidae (Reed-Warblers and Allies)
THICK-BILLED WARBLER (Iduna aedon) [b]
BLACK-BROWED REED-WARBLER (Acrocephalus bistrigiceps) [b]
ORIENTAL REED-WARBLER (Acrocephalus orientalis) [b]
Locustellidae (Grassbirds and Allies)
STRIATED GRASSBIRD (Megalurus palustris)
PALLAS'S GRASSHOPPER-WARBLER (Locustella certhiola) [b]
LANCEOLATED WARBLER (Locustella lanceolata) [*]
RUSSET BUSH-WARBLER (Locustella mandelli idonea) [*]
Cisticolidae (Cisticolas and Allies)
ZITTING CISTICOLA (Cisticola juncidis)
COMMON TAILORBIRD (Orthotomus sutorius)
DARK-NECKED TAILORBIRD (Orthotomus atrogularis)
HILL PRINIA (Prinia superciliaris)
RUFESCENT PRINIA (Prinia rufescens)

The magnificent Orange-breasted Trogon was easier to see well during our visit than its cousin the Red-headed. Photo by participant Jan Shaw.
GRAY-BREASTED PRINIA (Prinia hodgsonii)
YELLOW-BELLIED PRINIA (Prinia flaviventris)
PLAIN PRINIA (Prinia inornata)
Paradoxornithidae (Parrotbills, Wrentit, and Allies)
GRAY-HEADED PARROTBILL (Psittiparus gularis)
SPOT-BREASTED PARROTBILL (Paradoxornis guttaticollis)
Zosteropidae (White-eyes, Yuhinas, and Allies)
STRIATED YUHINA (Yuhina castaniceps)
CHESTNUT-FLANKED WHITE-EYE (Zosterops erythropleurus) [b]
ORIENTAL WHITE-EYE (Zosterops palpebrosus)
JAPANESE WHITE-EYE (Zosterops japonicus) [b]
EVERETT'S WHITE-EYE (Zosterops everetti)
Timaliidae (Tree-Babblers, Scimitar-Babblers, and Allies)
PIN-STRIPED TIT-BABBLER (Mixornis gularis)
GOLDEN BABBLER (Cyanoderma chrysaeum)
RUFOUS-FRONTED BABBLER (Cyanoderma rufifrons)
WHITE-BROWED SCIMITAR-BABBLER (Pomatorhinus schisticeps)
LARGE SCIMITAR-BABBLER (Megapomatorhinus hypoleucos)
RUSTY-CHEEKED SCIMITAR-BABBLER (Megapomatorhinus erythrogenys)

The insouciant Pigtail Macaque. Say what? Photo by participant Jan Shaw.
GRAY-THROATED BABBLER (Stachyris nigriceps)
SPOT-NECKED BABBLER (Stachyris strialata) [*]
Pellorneidae (Ground Babblers and Allies)
COLLARED BABBLER (Gampsorhynchus torquatus)
RUFOUS-WINGED FULVETTA (Schoeniparus castaneceps)
PUFF-THROATED BABBLER (Pellorneum ruficeps)
SPOT-THROATED BABBLER (Pellorneum albiventre)
EYEBROWED WREN-BABBLER (Napothera epilepidota)
ABBOTT'S BABBLER (Turdinus abbotti)
LIMESTONE WREN-BABBLER (Turdinus crispifrons calcicola)
STREAKED WREN-BABBLER (Turdinus brevicaudatus)
Leiothrichidae (Laughingthrushes and Allies)
BROWN-CHEEKED FULVETTA (Alcippe poioicephala)
YUNNAN FULVETTA (Alcippe fratercula)
HIMALAYAN CUTIA (Cutia nipalensis)

This photo by guide Dave Stejskal captures the slender, elegant beauty of Marsh Sandpiper, of which we saw hundreds at Pak Thale.
SILVER-EARED LAUGHINGTHRUSH (Trochalopteron melanostigma)
BLACK-BACKED SIBIA (Heterophasia melanoleuca) [N]
SILVER-EARED MESIA (Leiothrix argentauris)
RUFOUS-BACKED SIBIA (Minla annectens)
SPECTACLED BARWING (Actinodura ramsayi)
BLUE-WINGED MINLA (Actinodura cyanouroptera)
CHESTNUT-TAILED MINLA (Actinodura strigula)
Irenidae (Fairy-bluebirds)
Muscicapidae (Old World Flycatchers)
DARK-SIDED FLYCATCHER (Muscicapa sibirica) [b]
ASIAN BROWN FLYCATCHER (Muscicapa dauurica) [b]
ORIENTAL MAGPIE-ROBIN (Copsychus saularis)
WHITE-RUMPED SHAMA (Copsychus malabaricus)
RUFOUS-BROWED FLYCATCHER (Anthipes solitaris) [*]
PALE BLUE-FLYCATCHER (Cyornis unicolor)
BLUE-THROATED FLYCATCHER (CHINESE) (Cyornis rubeculoides glaucicomans)
HILL BLUE-FLYCATCHER (Cyornis banyumas)
TICKELL'S BLUE-FLYCATCHER (Cyornis tickelliae)
LARGE NILTAVA (Niltava grandis)
RUFOUS-BELLIED NILTAVA (Niltava sundara) [b]
VERDITER FLYCATCHER (Eumyias thalassinus)

This male Chinese Francolin strolled right across the highway for us. Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
LESSER SHORTWING (Brachypteryx leucophris)
WHITE-BROWED SHORTWING (Brachypteryx montana)
SIBERIAN BLUE ROBIN (Larvivora cyane) [b]
WHITE-BELLIED REDSTART (Luscinia phaenicuroides) [b]
BLUE WHISTLING-THRUSH (BLACK-BILLED) (Myophonus caeruleus caeruleus) [b]
BLUE WHISTLING-THRUSH (YELLOW-BILLED) (Myophonus caeruleus eugenei)
WHITE-CROWNED FORKTAIL (Enicurus leschenaulti) [*]
SLATY-BACKED FORKTAIL (Enicurus schistaceus)
SIBERIAN RUBYTHROAT (Calliope calliope) [b]
WHITE-TAILED ROBIN (Cinclidium leucurum)
HIMALAYAN BLUETAIL (Tarsiger rufilatus) [b]
SLATY-BACKED FLYCATCHER (Ficedula sordida) [b]
SLATY-BLUE FLYCATCHER (Ficedula tricolor) [b]
SNOWY-BROWED FLYCATCHER (Ficedula hyperythra)
RUFOUS-GORGETED FLYCATCHER (Ficedula strophiata) [b]
SAPPHIRE FLYCATCHER (Ficedula sapphira) [b]
LITTLE PIED FLYCATCHER (Ficedula westermanni)

Chinese Egret, showing its breeding dress of yellow-orange bill, shaggy nape-plumes, and green lores, traipses through the mangroves at Laem Phak Bia. Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
ULTRAMARINE FLYCATCHER (Ficedula superciliaris) [b]
TAIGA FLYCATCHER (Ficedula albicilla) [b]
PLUMBEOUS REDSTART (Phoenicurus fuliginosus)
WHITE-CAPPED REDSTART (Phoenicurus leucocephalus)
DAURIAN REDSTART (Phoenicurus auroreus)
CHESTNUT-BELLIED ROCK-THRUSH (Monticola rufiventris)
BLUE ROCK-THRUSH (PANDOO) (Monticola solitarius pandoo) [b]
SIBERIAN STONECHAT (Saxicola maurus) [b]
PIED BUSHCHAT (Saxicola caprata)
GRAY BUSHCHAT (Saxicola ferreus)
Turdidae (Thrushes and Allies)
ORANGE-HEADED THRUSH (Geokichla citrina) [b]
DARK-SIDED THRUSH (Zoothera marginata)
SCALY THRUSH (Zoothera dauma)
BLACK-BREASTED THRUSH (Turdus dissimilis) [b]
GRAY-WINGED BLACKBIRD (Turdus boulboul) [b]
EYEBROWED THRUSH (Turdus obscurus) [b]
GREEN COCHOA (Cochoa viridis) [*]

This curious Blue-throated Barbet, especially prevalent in the northern foothills, approaches for a closer look. Photo by participant Fred Dalbey.
Sturnidae (Starlings)
GOLDEN-CRESTED MYNA (Ampeliceps coronatus)
COMMON HILL MYNA (Gracula religiosa)
ROSY STARLING (Pastor roseus)
DAURIAN STARLING (Agropsar sturninus)
BLACK-COLLARED STARLING (Gracupica nigricollis)
ASIAN PIED STARLING (Gracupica contra) [N]
WHITE-SHOULDERED STARLING (Sturnia sinensis) [b]
BRAHMINY STARLING (Sturnia pagodarum)
COMMON MYNA (Acridotheres tristis)
VINOUS-BREASTED STARLING (Acridotheres burmannicus leucocephalus)
GREAT MYNA (Acridotheres grandis)
Chloropseidae (Leafbirds)
GREATER GREEN LEAFBIRD (Chloropsis sonnerati)
BLUE-WINGED LEAFBIRD (Chloropsis cochinchinensis)
GOLDEN-FRONTED LEAFBIRD (Chloropsis aurifrons) [N]
ORANGE-BELLIED LEAFBIRD (Chloropsis hardwickii)
Dicaeidae (Flowerpeckers)

The vagrant Brahminy Starling in the dump—off-stage, a vacant Pepper in the dumps. Photo by guide Dave Stejskal.
PLAIN FLOWERPECKER (Dicaeum minullum)
FIRE-BREASTED FLOWERPECKER (Dicaeum ignipectus ignipectus)
FIRE-BREASTED FLOWERPECKER (Dicaeum ignipectus cambodianum)
Nectariniidae (Sunbirds and Spiderhunters)
RUBY-CHEEKED SUNBIRD (Chalcoparia singalensis)
PLAIN-THROATED SUNBIRD (Anthreptes malacensis)
VAN HASSELT'S SUNBIRD (Leptocoma brasiliana)
PURPLE SUNBIRD (Cinnyris asiaticus)
OLIVE-BACKED SUNBIRD (Cinnyris jugularis)
BLACK-THROATED SUNBIRD (Aethopyga saturata)
GOULD'S SUNBIRD (Aethopyga gouldiae) [b]
GREEN-TAILED SUNBIRD (Aethopyga nipalensis)
CRIMSON SUNBIRD (Aethopyga siparaja)
LITTLE SPIDERHUNTER (Arachnothera longirostra)
STREAKED SPIDERHUNTER (Arachnothera magna)
Motacillidae (Wagtails and Pipits)
EASTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL (Motacilla tschutschensis) [b]
CITRINE WAGTAIL (Motacilla citreola) [b]

This caterpillar is about to disappear down the throats of nestling Black-throated Tits. Photo by participant Jan Shaw.
GRAY WAGTAIL (Motacilla cinerea) [b]
WHITE WAGTAIL (Motacilla alba) [b]
PADDYFIELD PIPIT (Anthus rufulus)
OLIVE-BACKED PIPIT (Anthus hodgsoni) [b]
RED-THROATED PIPIT (Anthus cervinus) [b]
Emberizidae (Buntings and New World Sparrows)
CRESTED BUNTING (Melophus lathami) [b]
CHESTNUT BUNTING (Emberiza rutila) [b]
Fringillidae (Finches, Euphonias, and Allies)
COMMON ROSEFINCH (Carpodacus erythrinus) [b]
BLACK-HEADED GREENFINCH (Chloris ambigua) [b*]
SPOT-WINGED GROSBEAK (Mycerobas melanozanthos)
Passeridae (Old World Sparrows)
HOUSE SPARROW (Passer domesticus indicus)
PLAIN-BACKED SPARROW (Passer flaveolus)
Ploceidae (Weavers and Allies)
BAYA WEAVER (Ploceus philippinus) [N]
ASIAN GOLDEN WEAVER (Ploceus hypoxanthus)
Estrildidae (Waxbills and Allies)
PIN-TAILED PARROTFINCH (Erythrura prasina)
WHITE-RUMPED MUNIA (Lonchura striata)
Participant Danny Shelton studies the "Critically Endangered" Siamese Crocodile at some length in his video.
SCALY-BREASTED MUNIA (Lonchura punctulata) [N]
LYLE'S FLYING FOX (Pteropus lylei)
NORTHERN TREESHREW (Tupaia berlangeri)
CRAB-EATING MACAQUE (Macaca fascigularis)
PIGTAIL MACAQUE (Macaca nemestrina)
STUMP-TAILED MACAQUE (Macaca arctoides)
BANDED LEAF MONKEY (Presbytis melalophos)
DUSKY LEAF MONKEY (Presbytis obscura)
PILEATED GIBBON (Hylobates pileatus)
MOUNTAIN RED-BELLIED SQUIRREL (Callosciurus flavimanus)
FINLAYSON'S SQUIRREL (Callosciurus finlaysoni)
GRAY-BELLIED SQUIRREL (Callosciurus caniceps)
MUNTJAC (BARKING DEER) (Muntiacus muntjak)
FEA'S MUNTJAC (Muntiacus feae)
SAMBAR (Cervus unicolor)
In addition to the fabulous birds and interesting mammals, we also had some other forms of life worthy of mention. We had reptiles, including three snakes that will go unidentified, several Water Monitors, and a very exciting, "Critically Endangered" Siamese Crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) at Khao Yai NP--"Bite, the man!" Chinese Waterfall Damselfly--a brilliant creature--is the only damselfly I heard identified, and the Saturniid moth eaten by the Ashy Drongo at Doi Inthanon was Actias maenas.
The Lepidopterids were dazzling and many. And thanks to Lisa, we have a list of all that could be identified either in the field or by photo afterward. They appear in the list below.
Hesperidae (Tagiades parna) great snow flat
Lycaenidae (Abisara neophron) tailed judy
Lycaenidae (Acytolepis puspa) common hedge blue
Lycaenidae (Catochrysops panoramus) silver forget-me-not
Lycaenidae (Heliophorus epides) purple sapphire
Lycaenidae (Loxura atymnus) yamfly
Lycaenidae (Nacaduba kurava) six-lined blue
Lycaenidae (Spindasis lohita) long-banded silverline
Lycaenidae (Udara akasa) white hedge blue
Lycaenidae (Zizina otis) lesser grass blue
Nymphalidae (Bassarona dunya) great marquis
Nymphalidae (Bassarona teuta) banded marquis
Nymphalidae (Cirrochroa tyche) common yeoman
Nymphalidae (Cupha erymanthis) rustic
Nymphalidae (Cyrestis cocles) marbled map
Nymphalidae (Danaus chrysippus) plain tiger
Nymphalidae (Euploea crameri) spotted black crow
Nymphalidae (Euploea sp.) crow
Nymphalidae (Euripus nyctelius) courtesan
Nymphalidae (Euthalia patula) grand duchess
Nymphalidae (Hypolimnas bolina) great egg-fly
Nymphalidae (Ideopsis vulgaris) blue glassy tiger
Nymphalidae (Junonia iphita) chocolate soldier
Nymphalidae (Kallima inachus) orange oakleaf
Nymphalidae (Lebadea martha) knight
Nymphalidae (Lethe mekara) common red forester
Nymphalidae (Lexias pardalis) archduke
Nymphalidae (Moduza procris) commander
Nymphalidae (Mycalesis janardana) mottled bush-brown
Nymphalidae (Neptis hylas) common sailor
Nymphalidae (Neptis leocoporus) burmese sailor
Nymphalidae (Pantoporia hordonia) common lascar
Nymphalidae (Parantica aspasia) yellow glassy tiber
Nymphalidae (Parantica Melaneus) chocolate tiger
Nymphalidae (Parantica spp) tigers
Nymphalidae (Parthenus sylvia) clipper
Nymphalidae (Polyura hebe) plain nawab
Nymphalidae (Stibochiona nicea) popinjay
Nymphalidae (Sumbrenthia hypatia) intricate jester
Nymphalidae (Tanaecia julii) common earl
Nymphalidae (Vindula erota) cruiser
Nymphalidae (Xanthotaenia busiris) yellow-barred pan
Nymphalidae (Ypthima baldus) common five-ring
Nymphalidae (Ypthima horsfeldii) horsfeld's five-ring
Nymphalidae (Zemeros fleygas) punchinello
Papilionidae (Byasa dasarada) great windmill
Papilionidae (Graphium antiphates) fivebar swordtail
Papilionidae (Graphium sarpedon) common bluebottle
Papilionidae (Lamproptera meges) green dragontail
Papilionidae (Pachliopta aristolochiaea) common rose
Papilionidae (Papilio clytia) common mime
Papilionidae (Papilio memnon) great mormon
Papilionidae (Papilio nephelus) black and white helen
Papilionidae Papilio paris) paris peacock
Papilionidae (Papilio polyetes) common mormon
Papilionidae (Troides helena) common birdwing
Pieridae (Appias libythea) striped albatross
Pieridae (Catopsilia pomona lemon) emigrant
Pieridae (Cepora iudith) orange gull
Pieridae (Cepora nerissa) common gull
Pieridae (Delias baracasa) common yellow jezebel
Pieridae (Eurema hecabe) common grass yellow
Pieridae (Eurema sari) chocolate grass yellow
Pieridae (Hebomoia glaucippe) giant orange tip
Pieridae (PieridaeIxias pyrene) yellow orange tip
Pieridae (Leptosia nina psyche)
Pieridae (Prioneris philonome) redspot sawtooth
Totals for the tour: 475 bird taxa and 21 mammal taxa