Do you ever marvel at the smooth efficiency of the Field Guides office? Our wonderful Peg Wallace is an answer to a prayer in that regard! Peg keeps track of all the moving parts of the paperwork, from payments to itineraries to triplists. After a few decades in the work force, Peg did something bold: she went back to college for her B.S. in Biology, then took an M.S. in Geography from the University of Texas. Peg has more than diplomas on the wall: she's a bona fide birder-biologist, a veteran of three seasons (2007-2009) as official raptor counter at the Travis County Audubon Society's Hornsby Bend Bird Observatory and also seasoned surveyor for Golden-cheeked Warbler territories. Can you imagine a person more qualified to generate maps for tour itineraries? Or pore through triplists to make sure that every detail is accurate? Peg's quick mind, fantastic work, and easy laugh make her an official Field Guides Superhero, and we celebrate her years as our amiable co-worker!