If you think Colorado is good for "chickens," just wait until you see the wildfowl of central China. Actually, don't just wait, when it comes to these birds why would you want to delay gratification? Not only are the pheasants, partridges, snowcocks, and monals (14 species in the pheasant family are possible on this itinerary) incredibely charismatic in and of themselves, but they also share the region with a slew of other special birds.
From the bold and brilliantly blue Grandala (if you thought that Mountain Bluebirds were as blue as blue gets, you may re-assess that when you see a male Grandala at close range), to the ultimate apex scavenger, Lammergeier (Bearded Vulture), the enigmatic Sichuan Wood-Owl, the alpine-dwelling Snow Pigeon, and the one-of-a-kind Przevalski's Pinktail (in its very own monotypic family), Sichuan province has one of the most intriguing and exciting avifaunas of the Far East.
Its wide range of habitat types can produce a great diversity of Parrotbills (8 species), Rosefinches, Redstarts, and Old World Warblers (over 20 species). From big and fancy to small and subtle, with fascinating culture and delicious food to boot, Sichuan has it all.
Select the KEY INFO tab or click here for our itinerary plus space requests, status, fees, limits, and guides for any departure.
ITINERARIES • We issue a separate itinerary for each year, typically at least 9 months before that year's first departure. Most itineraries don't vary much year to year, but there may be small or rarely more substantive changes. A sample previous-year itinerary is usually available even if the one for your chosen departure is not. We do not require any deposit for provisional bookings until the itinerary for the departure is ready.
DEPARTURES • We have 3 departures currently scheduled through 2027, with details including limits, guides, fees, and space available listed below.
Jun 1-22, 2025 Guided by: Doug Gochfeld & local guide Tour Manager: Caroline Lewis Tour Limit: 8 Status: Open - This tour has enough participants registered to insure its operation, but it is not yet full. Click below to book one or more spaces. Tour Fee: $8450 Deposit: $850 REQUEST SPACE OR MORE INFO
May 31 - Jun 21, 2026 Guided by: Doug Gochfeld & local guide Tour Manager: Caroline Lewis Tour Limit: 8 Status: Provisionally full; waitlist available - The itinerary has not been finalized for this tour. The trip has provisionally filled but, if you are interested, we can waitlist you for the trip. As we do not require deposits until the itinerary and price are finalized, we often have folks drop off a tour when the deposit is required, and so space opens up! Click below to be waitlisted for this tour with no obligation; if you are waitlisted, we will also notify you in case of an added departure of this tour. Tour Fee: Fee TBD / 2025=$8450 REQUEST WAITLIST OR MORE INFO
May 30 - Jun 20, 2027 Guide: TBA Tour Manager: TBA Tour Limit: 8 Status: Open - Space is still available on this tour, and we are accepting provisional bookings. No deposit is required until you receive the itinerary. Click below to book space. Tour Fee: Fee TBD / 2025=$8450 REQUEST SPACE OR MORE INFO
ABOUT OUR TRIPLISTS • After every tour we issue an annotated triplist of the birds recorded on the trip, illustrated with wonderful images (and sometimes video clips) from the tour's participants and guides.
We do not have any recent triplists to display, but we expect one to be available 60 days or so after the next scheduled departure.