Spain is among the most popular birding destinations in Europe. Our journey through the country's heartland will take us first to the bird-rich lagunas of La Mancha and the National Park of Tablas de Daimiel, where Eurasian Penduline-Tit, Bearded Reedling, Montagu's Harrier, Collared Pratincole, and the endangered White-headed Duck nest. Then we'll travel south to the Parque Natural de Sierra de Andujar where we will search for the endangered Iberian Lynx, Spanish Imperial Eagle, and the Iberian Magpie. After a cultural visit to the impressive Mezquita of Cordoba we will drive west to the magnificent Parque Nacional de Donana (Coto Donana), one of the largest and most important wetlands in Europe, covering an area of almost half a million acres, where Greater Flamingo, Western Swamphen, Audouin's and Slender-billed gulls, and Red-crested Pochard are among the exciting possibilities.
From Donana we'll venture north to wildest Extremadura and the unique Spanish steppes—a harsh land of wide, rolling plains and rugged sierras, birthplace of the conquistadors and a stronghold of the spectacular Great Bustard. Nowhere else in Europe do birds of prey breed in such numbers or such variety. Species to look for include the immense Cinereous (Black) Vulture and Eurasian Griffon, the elusive Eurasian Eagle-Owl, and the locally rare Black-winged Kite, while many other fast-declining species are also dependent on the survival of this disappearing habitat.
We'll finish up in the beautiful Sierra de Gredos, where we'll stay at a lovely parador with Western Bonelli's Warbler, Citril Finch, and a number of other birds as possibilities.
Select the KEY INFO tab or click here for our itinerary plus space requests, status, fees, limits, and guides for any departure.
Client comment
"A good experience. Lots of birds and very agreeable company. This tour had good range--shore to high plains to mountains--and the tour leaders, Chris Benesh and Godfried Schreur, were what I expected, i.e. good company who know their birds (and butterflies, and lizards and plants and ...). I would definitely travel with them again. Office service was good, as expected. Field Guides is well organized, which is why I use it." M.M., SPAIN 2019