Central Peru’s High Andes: Adventure Awaits!

Did you know our Central Peruvian Endemics: The High Andes tour will run this summer (Jun 5-21) and then not again until 2018? Guide Dan Lane takes us through the highlights below with some great images. Check out our tour page for more info and contact our office to hold a space.


Peru is a magical place. It combines so many climatic extremes into a remarkably small area. It has (as most Peruvians will proudly inform you) three main regions: the Coast, the Mountains, and the Rainforest.

Huascaran National Park
The spectacular Andean scenery of Huascaran National Park (Photo by guide Dan Lane)

This actually over-simplifies the variety of habitats, climates, and elevations you can find within the country. It is a place where, to understand it well as a birder, you will need to visit more than once—happily, we offer just such opportunities here at Field Guides!

White-cheeked Cotinga by Ken Havard
The endemic White-cheeked Cotinga (Photo by participant Ken Havard)

Peru is home to a remarkable 100 (approximately) endemic species, many of which are located either on isolated ridges in the high Andes or in intermontane valleys separated from others by those ridges. More than a third of these endemics (and a few “waiting to happen”) are found in the area of Central Peru covered by our tour. What’s more, Peru is ranked in the top three countries worldwide for overall number of bird species!

White-bellied Cinclodes by Dan Lane
The lovely White-bellied Cinclodes, another high-elevation Peruvian endemic (Photo by guide Dan Lane)

With a little challenge to our hemoglobin count will come the rewards of high-elevation sites where fabulous birds such as White-cheeked Cotinga, Plain-tailed Warbling-Finch, and Striated Earthcreeper occur, not to mention the incredible panoramas of the valley at Huascaran National Park and its beautiful Polylepis forests where jewels such as Tit-like Dacnis and Giant Conebill play, or the windswept puna where White-bellied Cinclodes, Diademed Sandpiper-Plover, and Olivaceous Thornbill eke out a living under challenging conditions.

Golden-backed Mountain-Tanager by Dan Lane
The spectacular Golden-backed Mountain-Tanager, an endemic with a small range in central Peru. (Photo by guide Dan Lane)

To get the most out of our quest for the areas fabulous birds, our itinerary includes two nights of outfitted camping under the stars and the hunched mass of Unchog peak. It will be here that we’ll have an opportunity to encounter the legendary endemics of the region such as Golden-backed Mountain-Tanager, Bay-vented Cotinga, Pardusco, Large-footed Tapaculo, and several others.

Bosque Unchog by Dan lane
Our camp at Unchog with the namesake rock formation in the background — a beautiful spot to wake up to! (Photo by guide Dan Lane)
Huascaran scenery by Dan Lane
Not a bad spot for a picnic lunch, right? (Photo by guide Dan Lane)


Huascaran peaks by Dan Lane
Sunrise with Huascaran (Photo by guide Dan Lane)


Giant Conebill by Dan Lane
Giant Conebill, a specialist of the Polylepis groves (Photo by guide Dan Lane)

At lower elevations, we’ll be looking for antpittas, tyrannulets, tanagers, hummingbirds, and other Andean gems on the Carpish Tunnel and Paty trails of the Carpish mountains, and even enjoy the oxygen cocktail at sealevel at coastal wetlands around Lima, where seabirds and shorebirds abound, and the unusual lomas habitats in the hills not far from the city, where endemics such as Thick-billed and Peruvian miners, and Cactus Canastero mingle with the likes of Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle, Mountain Parakeet, Burrowing Owl, the glowing Vermilion Flycatcher, the rude Croaking Ground-Dove, Least Seedsnipe, Tawny-bellied Dotterel, and others, forming a rather unlikely avifauna.

Black-breasted Hillstar by Dan Lane
A male Black-breasted Hillstar shows off his fine emerald gorget. (Photo by guide Dan Lane)
Junin and Slivery grebes by Dan Lane
A group of three Junin Grebes with a smaller Silvery Grebe (Photo by guide Dan Lane)
Lake Junin by Ken Havard
Sunrise at Lake Junin (Photo by participant Ken Havard)
Flame-faced Tanager by Dan Lane
Flame-faced Tanager (Photo by guide Dan Lane)

The birding on this tour offers many rewards as you can see! So, if you feel up to the high-elevation birding and a couple nights of outfitted camping to reap the benefits, contact our friendly Field Guides office and reserve your space on our tour for this year. The next opportunity isn’t scheduled until 2018… that’s a long time to wait to see these fabulous birds.

I look forward to seeing you there! –Dan