Phil Gregory

Field Guides Leader

Phil Gregory was born in the UK and became a birder when the steam engines were scrapped and birding offered a way to travel and look for wonderful things. The quest for birds has led to many forays in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australasia, and the Pacific. He and his wife, Sue, worked as teachers for eight years in Nigeria and Zambia, and for seven years in Papua New Guinea. Since 1997 they have lived in Australia.

Phil's major interests are field identification, vocalizations, and the geographic distribution of birds. He has contributed to various reference books including The Handbook of Birds of the World and has now written three books: The Lynx Field Guide to the Birds of New Guinea and the Bismarck Archipelago (2017), A Field Guide to the Birds of North Queensland (with photos by Jun Matsui; 2018), and a family monograph on Birds of Paradise and Bowerbirds (2020). He also published and now maintains three online checklists, for Australia and its island territories, New Guinea and associated islands, and the Solomon Islands.

Phil and his wife, Sue, sold the well-known Cassowary House at Kuranda, near Cairns in far north Queensland in early 2020, and have relocated to a rainforest property near Malanda on the Atherton Tablelands, which they share with his son and his wife plus a grandson and two large German Shepherds. Look for Phil guiding Field Guides tours to Japan, Taiwan, Cambodia, Ghana, Mongolia and Madagascar.

Scroll down to see Phil's current schedule of tours.

Client comment
"A wonderful and unforgettable tour. Phil Gregory is a superb, patient, unflappable guide, with tremendous knowledge of Madagascar and a great sense of humor. I loved the fact that the tour visited many areas of Madagascar... I will never forget the marvelous flora, fauna, people, accommodations, and other exotic sights. Best features were the lemurs, beautiful, exotic birds...couas, vangas, ground-rollers, cuckoo-rollers, mesites, asitys. Great guides and compatible fellow participants." E.C., MADAGASCAR

Phil's Upcoming Tours

Status: Provisionally full; waitlist available
Jan 10-25, 2025 ($9250) with Phil Gregory & local guide
Tour Limit: 7
Japan's winter spectacles, including the fabulous cranes and Steller's Sea-Eagle.
Status: Provisionally full; waitlist available
Feb 1-17, 2025 ($6925) with Phil Gregory & local guide
Tour Limit: 8
A "last chance" destination for some of the large, rare Asian waterbirds now extinct in neighboring countries, plus additional regional specialties and world-famous Angkor Wat.
Status: Open
Mar 15 - Apr 3, 2025 ($8150) with Phil Gregory & Tarry Butcher
Tour Limit: 8
In search of numerous West African specialties as well as White-necked Rockfowl.
Status: Provisionally full; waitlist available
Apr 29 - May 10, 2025 (Fee TBD / 2024=$5795) with Phil Gregory & local guide
Tour Limit: 8
Tour for Taiwan's numerous endemics and specialties.
May be combined with Japan in Spring
Status: One space available
May 10-27, 2025 ($10675) with Phil Gregory & local guide
Tour Limit: 7
A great introduction to springtime Japan, timed to coincide with the arrival of avian summer visitors, with lovely scenery the backdrop to our birding.
May be combined with Taiwan
Status: One space available
Jun 7-25, 2025 ($8475) with Phil Gregory & local guide
Tour Limit: 8
A tour to an exciting birding destination in the heart of Asia, with lots of specialties and some fantastic landscapes.
Status: One space available
Oct 25 - Nov 17, 2025 (Fee TBD / 2024=$10750) with Phil Gregory & Tarry Butcher
Tour Limit: 9
In-depth coverage of the accessible parts of Madagascar: many endemic birds, striking lemurs, bizarre flora and chameleons, fascinating culture. Optional extension to the Indian Ocean islands of Mauritius and Reunion will add yet more endemics.
(Mauritius & Reunion Extension to Nov 20, 2025)