Jamaica is one of the hotbeds of avian endemism in the West Indies, with at least 28 species found nowhere else. Add to those a host of regional specialties and numerous wintering wood-warblers and you've got an irresistible birding destination close to the United States. It doesn't hurt that we'll be based primarily from a single hotel on a lush tropical island with fabulous food, vibrant culture, and world-renowned music! In just a week, we stand a good chance of encountering all of Jamaica's endemics, from the fabulous Streamertails to the taxonomically curious Orangequit.

Jamaica is the third largest island in the Caribbean at 146 miles long and 51 miles at its widest point. But don't worry; we won't be racing around the whole island. Instead, we'll spend our time at the safe northeastern end of the island, birding at a leisurely pace. Our goal is not to see every species in Jamaica but to see every species that you can only find in Jamaica (this includes the 19 endemic subspecies). We won't be pressing to reach every corner of the island or chancing any risky sites to find a species easily seen somewhere else.

Goblin Hill is a comfortable retreat with inviting trails circuitously winding through lush habitat. The extremely range-restricted Black-billed Streamertail was recently elevated to full species status and is easily observed on the grounds. The regal Chestnut-bellied Cuckoo may be working its way through the canopy of mature trees, while Jamaican Woodpeckers work the trunk, spritely Jamaican Todies and active Sad Flycatchers forage in the understory and White-chinned Thrushes hop across the ground. Numerous other endemics can be found here as well. The Caribbean breeze, a dip in the inviting pool, a good book, and a rum punch or fresh-squeezed juice might be really tempting. The beauty of staying at the same hotel for most of the tour is you are welcome to succumb to temptation and pass on any outing you wish (except for when we head west to Montego Bay).

In order to round out our list of endemics, we will take field trips to the nearby foothills of the John Crow Mountains, climb up in elevation in the Blue Mountains, and visit Cockpit Country. Our higher-elevation targets will include Jamaican Becard, Crested Quail-Dove, Yellow-billed and Black-billed parrots, Blue Mountain Vireo, White-eyed Thrush, Jamaican Oriole, and the odd Jamaican Blackbird. We will make stops along the coast to look for terns, frigatebirds, shorebirds, and herons. The grand finale will be visiting Rocklands Bird Sanctuary where wild birds have been fed for decades. Having a Red-billed Streamertail or Jamaican Mango land on your finger is an unforgettable experience!

Select the KEY INFO tab or click here for our itinerary plus space requests, status, fees, limits, and guides for any departure.

Client comment
"A fabulous tour! It was a great group to bird with. I really enjoyed the congeniality of the people and food was great, too. We managed to find all the endemics while having fun. I always feel that Field Guides are the most professionally run tours. They are very considerate of the participants' comfort and are the most skilled at finding the birds." N.B., JAMAICA