Megan Edwards Crewe

Field Guides Leader

Megan Edwards Crewe has been birding since childhood, when she discovered she could have her father all to herself (rather than sharing him with her brother and sisters) if she was willing to get up very early on Saturdays and tramp around the woods in search of birds.

After graduating from Purdue University, she sampled an impressive variety of jobs (including veterinary technician, park ranger, junior high school science teacher, freelance writer, and computer programmer) before discovering Field Guides. Since joining the company more than two decades ago, Megan -- who brims with information and enthusiasm -- has delighted in sharing the wonders and adventures of birding and the natural world with tour participants.

One unexpected bonus of the job was meeting her husband, Mike, with whom she co-led a trip to France in 2000. They now live in a tiny seaside village in England's Norfolk county. There, they are busily converting their garden into a wildlife haven and recording all the many species of flora and fauna that make use of it -- more than 1200 species so far!

Scroll down to see Megan's current schedule of tours.

Client comment
"It was a great experience--we enjoyed both the rainforest and the savannah areas of the country. Megan was GREAT!!! She did everything she could to find the target birds. She did her best to make sure everyone saw all the birds she saw. She has a real talent for spotting birds! Plus, she is very congenial, sharing lots of interesting (and funny!) stories." D. & K.G., GUYANA: WILDERNESS PARADISE

"The whole experience was excellent. Megan Crewe is a first class guide with amazing eyes for birds. I was impressed with the excellent organization that Field Guides has put together to make the trip run smoothly. Megan knew all of the in country support people, treated them well, and everyone was friendly. Field Guides, in my mind, is at the top of the heap when it comes to bird tours. Well organized,with superb guides." E.T., GUYANA: WILDERNESS PARADISE

"It was a wonderful tour. Just one of the best I have been on. I like guide Megan Edwards Crewe because she is so clear about what to expect, she gives you tidbits about the birds the whole time you are out in the field and she has wonderful eyes for spotting birds. She has a gentle sense of humor and she gives each of her participants her full attention. Field Guides does better than any other company I have used. You offer the most complete and consistently superior service of any one I have been with." L.R., GUYANA WILDERNESS PARADISE

Here is a link relating to Megan that we think you'll enjoy:

THE HALF-ACRE PROJECT -- Megan and her husband, Mike, live on a half-acre of land in rural England. They're working to make the site more wildlife-friendly and are hoping to document every species that lives in or visits the garden. Can they get to 1500? Find out!

Megan's Upcoming Tours

Status: Provisionally full; waitlist available
Mar 8-15, 2025 ($4425) with Megan Edwards Crewe & local guide
Tour Limit: 8
A quick adventure in search of Jamaica's 28 endemics and numerous regional specialties while based at Goblin Hill.
Status: Provisionally full; waitlist available
Mar 29 - Apr 17, 2025 ($10925) with Megan Edwards Crewe & local guide
Tour Limit: 9
Spellbinding birding amidst awe-inspiring landscapes on a journey through the lush forests and mountains of this culturally fascinating Himalayan kingdom.
Status: Provisionally full; waitlist available
May 3-12, 2025 ($4750) with Megan Edwards Crewe & Willy Perez
Tour Limit: 12
Our own Megan Edwards Crewe and Willy Perez, based in Britain, will guide this springtime tour of England's East Anglia, combining lowland birding with cultural visits to Sutton Hoo and Blickling Hall, with a continuing extension to the pine forests and highlands of Scotland.
(Scottish Highlands Extension to May 17, 2025)
Status: Provisionally full; waitlist available
Jun 17 - Jul 4, 2025 ($9950) with Megan Edwards Crewe & local guide
Tour Limit: 8
Three prime areas in some of Earth's richest forests while based in comfort right in the wild.
Status: Provisionally full; waitlist available
Aug 30 - Sep 9, 2025 ($4795) with Megan Edwards Crewe & Willy Perez
Tour Limit: 12
Two of Europe's finest birding destinations combined in this wonderful eleven-day tour, with varied highlights and some great French food.
May be combined with Morocco
Status: Provisionally full; waitlist available
Nov 22 - Dec 1, 2025 (Fee TBD) with Megan Edwards Crewe & Alex Sundvall
Tour Limit: 12
A tour for the most interesting birds of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula amidst its attractive Mayan sites and only a short flight from the US.
Status: Provisionally full; waitlist available
Dec 19-27, 2025 (Fee TBD / 2024=$3950) with Megan Edwards Crewe & local guide
Tour Limit: 12
One-site holiday tour based at the comfortable Rancho Naturalista Lodge, with excursions to other habitats on Costa Rica's bird-rich Caribbean slope.
Status: Provisionally full; waitlist available
Dec 27, 2025 - Jan 4, 2026 (Fee TBD / 2024=$3950) with Megan Edwards Crewe & local guide
Tour Limit: 12
One-site holiday tour based at the comfortable Rancho Naturalista Lodge, with excursions to other habitats on Costa Rica's bird-rich Caribbean slope.
Status: Provisionally full; waitlist available
Jan 25 - Feb 2, 2026 (Fee TBD / 2025=$4825) with Megan Edwards Crewe & local guide
Tour Limit: 8
This tour combines the best of both worlds into a great week: The Canopy Tower and Pipeline Road with the Canopy Lodge and the montane forest of El Valle de Anton.
Status: Open
Feb 6-14, 2026 (Fee TBD / 2025=$4850) with Megan Edwards Crewe & Alex Sundvall
Tour Limit: 8
Two wonderful lodges for a rewarding tropical birding experience in this English-speaking country, including some regional specialties. Great as an intro to or continuation of your Neotropical birding.
Status: Provisionally full; waitlist available
Mar 7-22, 2026 (Fee TBD / 2025=$6550) with Megan Edwards Crewe & local guide
Tour Limit: 12
Birding tour for Resplendent Quetzals, Three-wattled Bellbirds, Scarlet Macaws in a beautiful country with easy travel.
Status: Provisionally full; waitlist available
May 3-17, 2026 (Fee TBD) with Megan Edwards Crewe & local guide
Tour Limit: 12
Fine southeast European birding--at the peak of migration--with archaeological and cultural stops.
Status: Provisionally full; waitlist available
Jun 16 - Jul 3, 2026 (Fee TBD / 2025=$9950) with Megan Edwards Crewe & local guide
Tour Limit: 8
Three prime areas in some of Earth's richest forests while based in comfort right in the wild.
Status: Open
Aug 29 - Sep 8, 2026 (Fee TBD / 2025=$4795) with Megan Edwards Crewe
Tour Limit: 12
Two of Europe's finest birding destinations combined in this wonderful eleven-day tour, with varied highlights and some great French food.
Status: One space available
Sep 19 - Oct 4, 2026 (Fee TBD / 2025=$7425) with Marcelo Padua & Megan Edwards Crewe
Tour Limit: 12
The spectacular wetlands of the Pantanal, with Hyacinth Macaws and Jabirus, combine with the many specialties of Brazil's Planalto Central to make for the perfect first birding trip to Brazil.
Status: Provisionally full; waitlist available
Oct 24 - Nov 10, 2026 (Fee TBD) with Megan Edwards Crewe & local guide
Tour Limit: 9
A two-week introduction to Asia's birds, including more than 30 species endemic to the island, with one of the country's foremost birders as a co-leader.
Status: Open
Dec 27, 2026 - Jan 5, 2027 (Fee TBD / 2024=$5595) with Megan Edwards Crewe
Tour Limit: 10
Wonderful introductory birding tour to South America's riches, including bellbirds, toucans, manakins, and motmots.