Surrounded by world-class birding destinations, the vibrant capital of Colombia, Bogota, sits at 8600 feet in the easternmost of Colombia's three Andean ranges. Based for four nights there and four nights in outlying small cities, we'll bird some of Colombia's most breathtaking landscapes--among them the fabulous elfin forests of Chingaza National Park, east of the city, and the world's largest paramo, studded with strangely beautiful Espletia, of stark Sumapaz National Park, south of the city.
Between just these two sites, we will seek out endemics and special birds such as Noble Snipe, Bogota Rail, Apolinar's Wren, Brown-breasted (Flame-winged) Parakeet, Green-bearded Helmetcrest, Amethyst-throated (Longuemare's) Sunangel, Bronze-tailed Thornbill, Rufous-browed Conebill, Pale-bellied Tapaculo, White-chinned Thistletail, and a few handsome flowerpiercers, spinetails, and canasteros, too. And we won't miss the incredible hummingbird show at a special private garden, where Glowing and Coppery-bellied pufflegs, Great Sapphirewing, Green-tailed and Black-tailed trainbearers, Sword-billed Hummingbird, and the truly stunning Blue-throated Starfrontlet usually visit.
West of the city, based at La Mesa, we'll explore the plateau lakes and montane forests of the Eastern Cordillera's western slope, at sites such as Laguna Pedro Palo, Chicaque Natural Park, Tabacal, and the well-named Jardin Encantado, where gems like Turquoise Dacnis, Black Inca, Golden-bellied Starfrontlet, Indigo-capped Hummingbird, White-bellied and Gorgeted woodstars, Golden-fronted Whitestart, Rusty-breasted Antpitta, Flame-faced Tanager, Black-capped Hemispingus, and Moustached, Pale-naped, and Slaty brushfinches await, along with a nice mix of manakins, antbirds, furnariids, and wrens.
Southeast of the city, we'll travel through the dry Rio Negro Valley to the town of Villavincencio, our base for exploring two premier forested sites of the eastern slopes: the foothills near Monterredondo and the lower elevations at Bosque Bavaria, where rare and range-restricted species such as Green-bellied Hummingbird, Green Manakin, Cundinamarca Antpitta (very difficult), and Ochre-breasted Brushfinch begin to mix with Amazonian species like White-chinned Jacamar, Yellow-billed Nunbird, and Amazonian Umbrellabird. In this unpredictable area, we'll hope for a few wild cards--perhaps Blue-fronted Lancebill, Highland Tinamou, Crested Spinetail, or Orange-breasted Falcon?
This will be an invigorating long week-plus in some remarkable places for Andean birding!
Select the KEY INFO tab or click here for our itinerary plus space requests, status, fees, limits, and guides for any departure.
Combo Tours
If you would like a longer birding holiday, some departures of this tour may be combined with: