Bird Tours by Region
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BAHAMAS: Endemics & Kirtland's WarblerSmall-group tour for four Bahamian endemics, several Caribbean endemics, a few early migrants, Kirtland's Warbler, and a sampling of West Indian butterflies; fun, exciting birding at a relaxed pace.
CANADIAN ROCKIES: ALBERTAA great western birding tour with spectacular landscapes of the Rockies.
NEWFOUNDLAND & NOVA SCOTIABoreal specialties, seabird colonies, and numerous breeding landbirds in the beautiful Canadian Maritimes.
OWLBERTA: Alberta's Owls & MoreA short tour targeting owls and other winter specialties in the boreal forests, prairies, and foothills of the Canadian province of Alberta.
POINT PELEE MIGRATION SPECTACLEExciting migration birding at several premier hotspots on the Lake Erie shore.
ALASKA FALL GOLDMINE: Rarities on the Pribilofs & Ross's Gulls in BarrowA fall adventure in two parts to the far north, Part I to St. Paul Island in the Pribilofs for migrants and vagrants, and Part II to Barrow for the legendary Ross's Gull, loons, eiders, and possibly even Polar Bear and Ivory Gull.
ALASKA: NO PLACE LIKE NOMEA chance to spend the better part of a week birding in one of the subarctic's most famous hotspots!
ALASKA: THE GREAT LANDOur fabulous survey of the best of Alaska birding: the Pribilofs, Kenai Fjords, Nome, and Utqiagvik (formerly Barrow).
ARIZONA NIGHTBIRDS & MOREA short tour focused on this area's many owl and nightjar specialties.
ARIZONA WINTER SPECIALTIESExceptional winter birding on a short tour with numerous specialties and potential rarities.
ARIZONA'S SECOND SPRINGAn ideal time for visiting one of the best birding regions in North America: great for local specialties and Mexican vagrants.
ARIZONA: BIRDING THE BORDEROne of the most exciting destinations in North America with a backdrop of spectacular mountain scenery.
BIRDING THE DAKOTAS: Prairies, Black Hills & BadlandsA new tour focusing on grassland specialties, western geology, and American landmarks in two of our northern prairie states.
COLORADO GROUSEA tour to seek out the state's spectacular prairie-chicken and grouse species.
FALL FOR CAPE MAYSee bird migration in action at one of the country's top migration hotspots.
FLORIDA: Mangroves & MigrantsA tour for numerous specialties from Central Florida south to the Keys and Dry Tortugas.
HAWAIIOn our birding tour we'll visit three of the major islands--Oahu, Kauai, and Hawaii--giving us a chance to sample a great portion of the Hawaiian endemic birds and the seabird specialties.
LOUISIANA: YELLOW RAILS & CRAWFISH TAILSLate-autumn tour on the Gulf Coast targeting Yellow Rails and other migrants and wintering species of the region.
MAINE IN FALL: Seabirds & Coastal MigrantsA September itinerary at a beautiful season in Maine for coastal migrants and pelagic birds, with a good chance for skuas.
MICHIGAN: GREAT LAKES GRANDEURA spring tour for the richest birding in the Midwest with plenty of specialty birds from Kirtland's Warbler to boreal species.
NEW MEXICO: Birding the Land of EnchantmentFun birding from rosy-finches in the Sandia Mts to thousands of Sandhill Cranes and Snow Geese (plus Ross's) along the Rio Grande.
NORTHERN ARIZONA'S CANYONS & CONDORA tour for mountain and high-desert birds of the western US amidst stunning scenery with California Condors at the Grand Canyon, all guided by our own Flagstaff-based resident expert, John Coons.
OREGON: From the Coast to the CascadesA tour for specialties of the Pacific Northwest as we explore the beautiful coast and Cascade Mountains.
SLICE OF CALIFORNIA: Seabirds to SierraA diverse mix of West Coast specialties, montane species, and pelagics in rugged and scenic sites.
SOUTH TEXAS RARITIESEscape the winter birding doldrums on our week-long tour to the bird-rich Rio Grande Valley, with specialties from kiskadees and Green Jays to Hook-billed Kites and Altamira Orioles. And the winter potential for Mexican vagrants is terrific!
SPRING IN CAPE MAYSpring migration at one of the country's famed birding hotspots.
TEXAS COAST MIGRATION SPECTACLEThe migration mecca of High Island plus specialties of the Big Thicket and myriad waterbirds and shorebirds.
BELIZE: Tropical Birding, Short and SweetTwo wonderful lodges for a rewarding tropical birding experience in this English-speaking country, including some regional specialties. Great as an intro to or continuation of your Neotropical birding.
CLASSIC COSTA RICABirding tour for Resplendent Quetzals, Three-wattled Bellbirds, Scarlet Macaws in a beautiful country with easy travel.
COSTA RICA: BIRDING THE EDGESA two-parted tour to this bird-rich country exploring sites and birds not covered on our March or holiday tours.
HOLIDAY COSTA RICA: Rancho NaturalistaOne-site holiday tour based at the comfortable Rancho Naturalista Lodge, with excursions to other habitats on Costa Rica's bird-rich Caribbean slope.
DOMINICAN REPUBLICShort birding tour for many specialties and endemics including the unusual Palmchat.
GUATEMALA: SHADE-GROWN BIRDINGBirding tour for Resplendent Quetzal, a host of hummingbirds, and Azure-rumped Tanager set against a dramatic volcanic landscape and colorful Mayan culture.
JAMAICAA quick adventure in search of Jamaica's 28 endemics and numerous regional specialties while based at Goblin Hill.
LESSER ANTILLESComprehensive tour searching for all the accessible endemics (many highly endangered) of the southern Caribbean on 10 attractive islands.
CENTRAL MEXICO & BAJA: Birds, Butterflies & WhalesSpecialty birds, wintering Monarchs, and up-close whale encounters on this exciting tour!
MEXICO'S EL TRIUNFO: Horned Guans and QuetzalsA week-long tour in pristine cloud forest replete with Horned Guans, Resplendent Quetzals, Fulvous Owls and Blue-throated Motmots while based out of the El Triunfo base camp. Can be combined with our Enchanted Chiapas tour.
MEXICO: ENCHANTED CHIAPASA ten-day immersion in the land of the Nava's Wren, Rosita's Bunting, and Pink-headed Warbler.
MEXICO: OAXACA VALLEYSuperb birding with two dozen Mexican endemics and fascinating ruins while based in lovely Oaxaca City.
MEXICO: OAXACA'S ATLANTIC & PACIFIC SLOPESA new itinerary exploring Oaxaca's Atlantic (Gulf) and Pacific Slopes and the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, with a long list of additional species for anyone who has already taken our long-running and popular Oaxaca Valley tour.
MEXICO: VERACRUZ RIVER OF RAPTORSThe amazing spectacle of huge numbers of migrating raptors combined with some highland birding and cultural highlights.
MEXICO: YUCATAN & COZUMELA tour for the most interesting birds of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula amidst its attractive Mayan sites and only a short flight from the US.
PANAMA'S CANOPY CAMP: Lowland DarienA birding tour to a remote part of Panama with many specialties seen nowhere else in Central America.
PANAMA'S CANOPY LODGE: El Valle de AntonA superb introduction to Neotropical birds or a complement to your broader Middle American birding, all based at a charming lodge.
PANAMA'S CANOPY TOWER & LODGEThis tour combines the best of both worlds into a great week: The Canopy Tower and Pipeline Road with the Canopy Lodge and the montane forest of El Valle de Anton.
WESTERN PANAMA: CHIRIQUI & BOCAS DEL TOROA tour to two Panamanian destinations located in the Chiriqui highlands and Caribbean lowlands at Bocas del Toro.
PUERTO RICOA week of respite to a very birdy and beautiful Caribbean island, a mix of North American and local culture and cuisine; 17 endemic birds and a number of other Caribbean specialties.
ANTARCTICA, SOUTH GEORGIA & THE FALKLANDSThe ultimate seabird and wildlife cruise, including fabulous South Georgia and the Falkland Islands. Variable fee depending on cabin choice.
EMPEROR PENGUINS IN THE WEDDELL SEA: In search of Antarctica's most iconic birdThe ultimate seabird quest for a magnificent species seen by few birders: Emperor Penguin! Variable fee depending on cabin choice.
ATLANTIC ODYSSEY: South Georgia to Tristan da Cunha and St. HelenaExceptional seabirding opportunities on this re-positioning cruise that includes South Georgia, the Tristan da Cunha island group, and St. Helena.
BIRDS & WINES OF CHILE AND ARGENTINAA tour combining an exploration of the great birds and vineyards of these two wonderful countries!
BRAZIL: ITATIAIA, IGUAZU FALLS & THE PANTANALComfortable birding tour visiting three Brazil locales famous for their abundance of birds and wildlife in spectacular settings right outside our doors.
NORTHWESTERN ARGENTINA: The Chaco, Cordoba & Northern AndesComprehensive birding tour of the many habitats of the diverse northwest; many specialty birds.
SOUTHERN ARGENTINA: The Pampas, Patagonia & Tierra del FuegoSuperb springtime birding tour through southern South America amid stark and spectacular landscapes.
BOLIVIA'S AVIAN RICHESThe special bird life of the Bolivian Andes; wonderful mountain scenery.
BOLIVIA’S LOWLAND LODGE: Blue-throated Macaws & BeyondA new itinerary focused on Bolivia’s rich lowlands with chance for Blue-throated Macaw, Masked Antpitta, Chaco Eagle, and numerous Amazonian and Andean foothill birds while based at the new and cozy Barba Azul and Sadiri Lodges
BRAZIL NUTSHELL: Intervales, Iguazu Falls & the PantanalThis medium-length tour hits three of Brazil's premier birding venues, staying several nights at each to ensure an unhurried pace as we rack up some 400 species of birds.
BRAZIL'S JAPURA & TEFE RIVERS: Mamiraua, Amana & the UnknownA third itinerary in our series of fantastic wilderness tours to Brazil aboard a delightful river vessel. We'll explore little-known sites for a rich diversity of Amazonian birds, with some exciting discoveries no doubt in store.
BRAZIL'S MADEIRA & TAPAJOS: Between Two Great RiversLive-aboard luxury on an adventurous birding tour through the lower Madeira-Tapajos interfluvium of central Amazonian Brazil; be ready for the unexpected!
BRAZIL'S RIO ROOSEVELT: Birding the River of DoubtA birding adventure on the remote Rio Roosevelt in the spirit of Teddy himself, as we search for bushbirds, ant swarms, up to 10 species described to science only in 2013, and, of course, the unknown.
BRAZIL: ATLANTIC FOREST GETAWAYA short but rich immersion in the avifauna of the Atlantic Forest, based at one lovely site near Rio.
BRAZIL: BAHIA BIRDING BONANZABeautiful Bahia, linking Northeast and Southeast Brazil, is chock-full of rare birds, from Giant Snipe and Hook-billed Hermit to Pink-legged Graveteiro and Banded Cotinga!
BRAZIL: ITATIAIA, IGUAZU FALLS & THE PANTANALComfortable birding tour visiting three Brazil locales famous for their abundance of birds and wildlife in spectacular settings right outside our doors.
BRAZIL: PARROTS & COTINGAS: The Mouth of the Mighty AmazonA two-week birding tour through diverse habitats around the mouth of the mighty Rio Amazonas as we seek most of the endemics of lower Amazonia and lots of flashy parrots and cotingas.
JAGUAR SPOTTING IN BRAZIL: Pantanal & Garden of the AmazonThis short but action-packed Brazil birding tour features the Pantanal at its best, a nice taste of southern Amazonian birds, and excellent chances of seeing a Jaguar.
NOWHERE BUT NORTHEAST BRAZIL!From beautiful beaches to barren badlands, our tour is a quest for specialties of the endangered caatinga, chapada, and Atlantic Forest habitats.
RAINFOREST & SAVANNA: Alta Floresta & the Northern Pantanal, BrazilPristine rainforest on the beautiful Rio Cristalino combined with the wilds of the Pantanal in search of Hyacinth Macaw, Harpy Eagle, Jabiru, Jaguar, and a large piece of the meaning of life.
RIO NEGRO PARADISE: MANAUS, BRAZILBird the rainforests and rivers of the mighty Amazon and Negro in an unforgettable mix of forest hikes and live-aboard luxury.
SAFARI BRAZIL: THE PANTANAL & MOREThe spectacular wetlands of the Pantanal, with Hyacinth Macaws and Jabirus, combine with the many specialties of Brazil's Planalto Central to make for the perfect first birding trip to Brazil.
SPECTACULAR SOUTHEAST BRAZILThe fantastic center of avian endemism in eastern Brazil, particularly well endowed with hummingbirds, cotingas, antbirds, and beautiful scenery. Part I: North of the Tropic; Part II: South of the Capricorn.
BIRDS & WINES OF CHILE AND ARGENTINAA tour combining an exploration of the great birds and vineyards of these two wonderful countries!
CHILE: THE CLASSIC TOURComprehensive survey tour of this visually spectacular and tourist-friendly country.
COLOMBIA'S CENTRAL ANDES: THE WILD, WONDERFUL NORTHRich forests from the foothills to treeline are accessed from good country hotels and comfortable ecotourism lodges at some of Colombia's best private reserves. Many Colombian endemics expected, but the tour is primarily an opportunity to gorge on the birds of the Andes after a short flight across the Caribbean.
COLOMBIA'S CLOUDFORESTS: THE WESTERN & CENTRAL ANDESCloud forests of two Colombian cordilleras and their rich assortment of hummingbirds and tanagers are highlights of this escape across the Caribbean to tropical Colombia. Starting in Cali and exiting through Manizales and Bogota, we will use several good city hotels and one simple ecotourism lodge primarily to access Andean forests, but also dry woodland, marshes, and the paramo.
COLOMBIA'S EASTERN CORDILLERAAn endemic-filled week-plus of exciting highland birding,
COLOMBIA'S INIRIDA: Land of Many WatersA short tour to a new Colombian hotspot with several must-see birds, local culture, and regional cuisine.
COLOMBIA'S MARVELOUS MAGDALENA VALLEYA fun, energetic journey through a fabulous birding region, with rare regional and Colombian endemics aplenty and the great spectacle of Oilbirds at Rio Claro!
COLOMBIA'S SANTA MARTA MOUNTAINS & CARIBBEAN COASTA short tour to an endemic-filled region reached by a direct flight from Miami.
AMAZONIAN ECUADOR: SACHA LODGEOne-site tour to one of the most comfortable lodges in western Amazonia with some of the birdiest canopy platforms anywhere.
CLOUDFORESTS OF ECUADOR: All the Best of the Wild NorthwestWe'll be based at just two great lodges on Ecuador's west slope to experience a diversity of great birds and have the chance for a highlight mammal, Spectacled Bear.
ECUADOR'S WILDSUMACO LODGEExploring the riches of the eastern Andean foothills of northern Ecuador for numerous specialties at Wildsumaco Lodge.
GALAPAGOS: An Intimate Look at Darwin's IslandsA must for any naturalist and birder; small-group, broad coverage of the islands with plenty of time for the birds, exploring, and photography.
HOLIDAY AT SAN ISIDRO, ECUADORA bird-rich holiday escape based primarily at the very comfortable San Isidro Lodge.
JEWELS OF ECUADOR: HUMMERS, TANAGERS & ANTPITTASSurvey birding tour of Andean Ecuador; diverse avifauna dominated by colorful hummers and tanagers and more subtle and haunting antpittas.
SOUTHEAST ECUADOR: Orange-throated Tanager & Foothill SpecialtiesWeeklong survey of the upper tropical foothills of the far southeast along the Peruvian border, where we'll search for the Orange-throated Tanager and many other specialties of this distinctive and remote region of Ecuador.
SOUTHWESTERN ECUADOR SPECIALTIES: Jocotoco Foundation ReservesFocuses on the many specialties of the southwest, in particular the very local endemics of the humid foothills and mountains, and on Tumbesian specialties.
GUYANA: WILDERNESS PARADISEA survey birding tour of the country's vast untrammeled rainforest, with an emphasis on Guianan shield specialties, and side trips to coastal and savanna regions and spectacular Kaieteur Falls.
CENTRAL PERUVIAN ENDEMICS: The High AndesHigh-Andean endemics of central Peru on our birding tour to extraordinarily scenic settings, including Huascaran National Park, Lake Junin, and the Carpish Mountains.
IQUITOS, PERU: Canopy Walkways & Ancient ForestsTwo-week immersion in one of the most species-rich regions of Amazonia, including the white-sand forests near Iquitos.
MACHU PICCHU & ABRA MALAGA, PERUSouthern Peru's east-slope, temperate birding at its best featuring several endemics and scenic Andean puna; also Machu Picchu and great subtropical birding on and near lovely hotel grounds.
MOUNTAINS OF MANU, PERUOur in-depth transect birding tour of the higher-elevation half of the Manu Biosphere Reserve.
NORTHERN PERU: ENDEMICS GALOREDry-season tour to one of the least-known and most endemic-rich areas of South America. Targets geographic specialties as it surveys the rich and diverse habitats of northern Peru, including some remote and beautiful wild areas.
PERU'S MAGNETIC NORTH: Spatuletails, Owlet Lodge & MoreA 12-day taste of northern Peru's east-slope Andes, including six nights at Owlet Lodge.
PERUVIAN RAINFORESTS OF THE TAMBOPATA: Macaw Lick ExtraordinaireThree-site tour to the most species-rich rainforest on Earth. Largest known macaw lick, canopy walkway and towers, eagles, and monkeys.
SUCCINCT SURINAME: Cotingas & TrumpetersA new itinerary highlighting rainforest wilderness areas that are home to specialty and hard-to-see birds such as beautiful and bizarre cotingas, large and small, and trumpeters.
TRINIDAD & TOBAGOWonderful introductory birding tour to South America's riches, including bellbirds, toucans, manakins, and motmots.
URUGUAY: Birds & Wines in the Land of the GauchosGreat birding and fine wines in the land of the gauchos.
ANGOLA: Endemics in a Little Known LandOur tour to this endemic-rich off-the-beaten-path destination will seek numerous endemics and pass through some impressive landscapes.
NAMIBIA & BOTSWANASouthwestern Africa's bird specialties, striking scenery, wilderness, and the famed game of Etosha and the Okavango Delta.
FINLAND IN SPRING: Forests, Fowl, and FurA superb itinerary from the capital to the Arctic Circle, following the flow of spring migration in search of displaying grouse, nesting owls, lekking Ruffs, and special mammals, including Wolverines.
FRANCE'S LOIRE VALLEY: Birds, Chateaux & WineA tour of France's lovely Loire Valley, combining lowland birding with visits to the chateaux of Chambord, Chenonceau, and Villandry, as well as some of the region's famous vineyards.
FRANCE: CAMARGUE & PYRENEESTwo of Europe's finest birding destinations combined in this wonderful eleven-day tour, with varied highlights and some great French food.
GHANA: Window into West African BirdingIn search of numerous West African specialties as well as White-necked Rockfowl.
CLASSICAL GREECEFine southeast European birding--at the peak of migration--with archaeological and cultural stops.
HUNGARY & ROMANIA: The Best of Eastern EuropeFabulous birding in some of the most spectacular landscapes of Eastern Europe: the Danube Delta, Carpathian Mountains, Bicaz Gorge, Hortobagy, and Kiskunsag.
ICELANDSeabird colonies, endemic landbirds, spectacular scenery, and high-latitude natural history.
EAST AFRICA HIGHLIGHTS: Kenya & TanzaniaCombines the richest birding and mammal spots in Kenya and northern Tanzania: Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater, Great Rift Valley, Kakamega Forest, and more. An impressive diversity of habitats, many with spectacular scenery. Limited to 6.
WILD KENYA: A TENTED CAMP SAFARIA delightful, shorter itinerary designed to stay primarily in three tented camps, giving us a chance for the more traditional safari birding and wildlife experience (and to wake up right in the middle of it all!) under Terry's expert guidance. Limited to 6.
MADAGASCARIn-depth coverage of the accessible parts of Madagascar: many endemic birds, striking lemurs, bizarre flora and chameleons, fascinating culture. Optional extension to the Indian Ocean islands of Mauritius and Reunion will add yet more endemics.
MOROCCOEndemic, rare, and specialty birds from coastal wetlands and towering cliffs to the Atlas Mountains and the northwest corner of the Sahara.
NAMIBIA & BOTSWANASouthwestern Africa's bird specialties, striking scenery, wilderness, and the famed game of Etosha and the Okavango Delta.
HOLLAND -- BIRDS & ART: Waterfowl Spectacle & Dutch MastersA tour for some exciting winter birding, in particular waterfowl, combined with an exploration of great Dutch art masters.
SPITSBERGEN & SVALBARD ARCHIPELAGO: A Cruise to the Norwegian ArcticA high-arctic adventure aboard a comfortable vessel for fantastic seabirds, marine mammals including Walrus and Polar Bear, and fabulous scenery.
BEYOND THE PORTS OF PORTUGAL: A Birds & Wine TourA new itinerary in our popular Birds & Wine tour series.
HUNGARY & ROMANIA: The Best of Eastern EuropeFabulous birding in some of the most spectacular landscapes of Eastern Europe: the Danube Delta, Carpathian Mountains, Bicaz Gorge, Hortobagy, and Kiskunsag.
SOUTH AFRICA: Birds, Wines & WildflowersA fabulous combo of great birding with fine wines and a spectacular wildflower display.
SOUTH AFRICAEndemic-rich birding, spectacular landscapes, and a unique flora are the highlights of our energetic survey tour of this beautiful country.
SPAIN: La Mancha, Coto Donana & ExtremaduraTo La Mancha, famous Coto Donana, Extremadura, and the Gredos Mountains for some of Europe's best birding.
EAST AFRICA HIGHLIGHTS: Kenya & TanzaniaCombines the richest birding and mammal spots in Kenya and northern Tanzania: Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater, Great Rift Valley, Kakamega Forest, and more. An impressive diversity of habitats, many with spectacular scenery. Limited to 6.
ESSENTIAL SHORT UGANDA: Shoebill, Gorillas, Chimps & Albertine Rift BirdingA tour for those wishing to see the major Ugandan birding and mammal highlights in just two weeks' time.
UGANDA: Shoebill, Rift Endemics & GorillasThe rare Shoebill and a wealth of other birds and many Central African specialties combined with opportunities to trek for Chimps and Mountain Gorillas.
BIRDS OF BRITAINOur own Megan Edwards Crewe and Willy Perez, based in Britain, will guide this springtime tour of England's East Anglia, combining lowland birding with cultural visits to Sutton Hoo and Blickling Hall, with a continuing extension to the pine forests and highlands of Scotland.
AUSTRALIAIn two parts for those with limited time. Part I covers the environs of Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, southwest Australia, and Alice Springs. Part II begins in Darwin and continues to Queensland (Cairns, Atherton Tableland, Outback Queensland, and O'Reilly's Guest House). Both parts combine for a complete birding tour of Australia. An optional endemic-rich extension to Tasmania follows Part II.
NEW GUINEA & AUSTRALIAA rich and diverse sampler of the best birding of New Guinea and Australia.
BHUTANSpellbinding birding amidst awe-inspiring landscapes on a journey through the lush forests and mountains of this culturally fascinating Himalayan kingdom.
CAMBODIA: Angkor Temples & Vanishing BirdsA "last chance" destination for some of the large, rare Asian waterbirds now extinct in neighboring countries, plus additional regional specialties and world-famous Angkor Wat.
CHINA'S SICHUAN PROVINCEWe return to China for fabulous pheasants and numerous other Sichuan specialties.
NORTHERN INDIA: Birds, Tiger & the Taj MahalFantastic adventure from the Ganges plains to the Himalayan foothills, with the Bharatpur wetlands, Tiger at Ranthambhore, and the wondrous Taj Mahal.
JAPAN IN SPRINGA great introduction to springtime Japan, timed to coincide with the arrival of avian summer visitors, with lovely scenery the backdrop to our birding.
WINTER JAPAN: Dancing Cranes & Spectacular Sea-EaglesJapan's winter spectacles, including the fabulous cranes and Steller's Sea-Eagle.
CENTRAL ASIA: Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan & KazakhstanA three-country tour exploring the scenic Central Asian steppes, deserts, canyons, and high mountains, for an enticing mix of localized resident species and northbound migrants, with the added cultural element of the beautifully preserved Silk Road cities of Samarkand and Bukhara.
BORNEOThree prime areas in some of Earth's richest forests while based in comfort right in the wild.
MONGOLIA: The Gobi Desert, Steppe & TaigaA tour to an exciting birding destination in the heart of Asia, with lots of specialties and some fantastic landscapes.
NEW ZEALANDBeautiful landscapes as a backdrop for nearly 50 endemic birds plus a great selection of seabirds.
NEW GUINEA & AUSTRALIAA rich and diverse sampler of the best birding of New Guinea and Australia.
PAPUA NEW GUINEABirds-of-paradise and bowerbirds are the crown jewels of one of the most remarkable bird faunas, one that exists alongside equally fascinating and varied cultures.
SRI LANKAA two-week introduction to Asia's birds, including more than 30 species endemic to the island, with one of the country's foremost birders as a co-leader.
TAIWANTour for Taiwan's numerous endemics and specialties.
THAILANDA wide variety of forest birds in the friendly heart of Southeast Asia (and fabulous Thai food).
CENTRAL ASIA: Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan & KazakhstanA three-country tour exploring the scenic Central Asian steppes, deserts, canyons, and high mountains, for an enticing mix of localized resident species and northbound migrants, with the added cultural element of the beautifully preserved Silk Road cities of Samarkand and Bukhara.
VIETNAMIntriguing survey tour to bird-rich but poorly known Vietnam.